Leicester LE5 6LN (UK)
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Leicester, LE2 1XA (UK)
Leicester, LE17 (UK)
Wigston, LE18 2DN (UK)
Leicester, LE7 4SG (UK)
Leicester, LE3 6RN (UK)
Countesthorpe Community College
Leicester, LE8 5PR (UK)
Leicester, LE6 0FP (UK)
Leicester, LE6 0GE (UK)
Loughborough, LE11 2DT (UK)
Loughborough, LE11 3BT (UK)
Loughborough, LE11 3TU (UK)
Lutterworth, LE17 4EW (UK)
Lutterworth, LE17 4QH (UK)
Burbage, LE10 2QE (UK)
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