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Greek Day Sign ups!

Published April 27, 2015, 1:03 p.m.

Dear Parents,
Our annual Greek Day celebration will be on Friday, May 8th!!! A schedule of the wonderful events will be coming to you this week, but we need your help to make it a success.
An overview of the Greek Day schedule:
Morning (8 to 11:15) Plays by ELA blocks (This will be coming this week.)
Mid afternoon 12:00 to 12:30 Greek meet and Greek
Afternoon (1:20 to 2:10) Greek Feast

There will be volunteer opportunities (to help with the plays in the morning and the food in the afternoon). There will be a follow up email with this information.

The Greek Feast is a big undertaking and we want to get this underway! Please follow the link below to sign up for bring supplies and food. Attached to the sign up genius is a link to a Greek recipe site. All food products will need to have recipes attached for our school nurse. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Link for the Greek Feast sign up genius:
Many thanks for all your help and support. We are looking forward to the great day!

The Cluster 4 teachers,
Laurie Sullivan,
Mike Ciccolella,
Jonathan Glover,
Trina Reinach,
Hana Bernstein,
Erin McGuire

Trimester 3 Department Update

Published March 27, 2015, 9:30 a.m.

Trimester 2 was a great trimester. We learned about the first two civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt, using our historical and geographic thinking skills. Students also practiced their research skills with a topic in ancient Egypt. Hopefully, they also learned a little something about planning a big project!

Trimester 3 will be busy with the study of Greece and Rome. We will continue to sharpen our historical thinking as we explore these roots of western civilization. These also bring on the true growth of empires and we will study some very important early wars as well.

During this trimester, we have two special social studies events. Greek Day, where students will research and become a famous Greek, will be held on May 8th. We will also travel to the MFA to explore their collection of ancient artifacts. The trip will be June 8th. There is opportunity for parent involvement in both activities, so watch for further details to come!

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Best regards,
Mike Ciccolella
Social Studies, Cluster 4

Trimester 2 Social Studies Department Letter

Published Dec. 11, 2014, 12:56 p.m.

To the Families of Cluster 4-

Trimester two promises to be an interesting and exciting one for your Social Studies scholar. In Sixth Grade we encourage students to begin think and behave as Historians and Geographers. In order to accomplish this task, we pose some general or essential questions throughout our yearlong study of the Ancient World.

A few of the over-arching questions that we return to throughout the year, include the following:

  1. How does Geography influence the history and development of a culture?
  2. How can we use the five themes of Geography to understand the past?
  3. What is History and how does studying the past help us to understand others and ourselves?
  4. What are some of the tools and ways of thinking that the Geographer and the Historian employ?
  5. What are some research and writing skills that Historians and Geographers use in order to make sense of the past?

During this trimester we will use our emerging Archeological and Research skills in combination with our recent study of Early Man to discuss the following Ancient Civilizations.


Mesopotamia is the first ancient civilization we will study in depth. However, before we discuss the history of this civilization we will return to the question of Geography. Thus students will be tasked to consider how the location, geography and climate of this region influenced the development of civilization. Our focus in this case will be to use the history of this specific civilization to identify and categorize the five elements of all civilization. Students will conclude their study of Mesopotamia with an understanding of how surplus and scarcity can lead to trading economies and how such economies can result in the development of Empires.

Ancient Egypt

After a thorough study of Mesopotamia, we turn our attention to the study of Ancient Egypt. Once more we will start our investigation of this particular empire with a close study of Geography ask how Ancient Egyptians adapted to and used their geography to create a powerful Empire.

Of particular focus during this study, will be on Ancient Egyptian belief and religious practices and how such systems impacted and shaped economic, social and political life. We will conclude our study by studying several famous Egyptian pharaohs and the major accomplishments of these leaders.

Throughout our study of both Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt specific research and thinking skills will be introduced, deepened or re-enforced. Our students will have opportunities to research specific aspects of daily life in both Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. They will learn how to distinguish a primary source from a secondary source and will have the opportunity to “read” ancient artifacts, paintings, buildings and sculptures in order to gather evidence, generate a point of view and write thoughtful research projects. In sum, our students will have the opportunity to use a variety of resources both written, visual and digital in order to begin to learn the skills that Historians and Geographers employ when posing questions and conducting research.

Trimester two will include Barter Day. This event will take place just after winter break and involves trading small trinkets and knick-knacks (one person’s junk…). We will also be doing a research project on an aspect of Ancient Egypt. More details about each of these will be provided as they approach.

In conclusion, Trimester two promises to be an exciting one in Social Studies. Be sure to ask your student about what new things he or she has learned about Ancient Civilizations.

Best Regards,

Mike Ciccolella

Cluster 4 Social Studies
