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Week of 1/23/17.

Published Jan. 23, 2017, 2:59 p.m.

I will be out on Wednesday, 1/25/17. If you need to reach me, you can send me an email, and I will respond in the evening.

Math: There will be a math test on Thursday, 1/26/17, and Friday, 1/27/17. Study materials are located in Google Drive in Learning Center Notes 2016/Math Learning Center/Pre-Algebra Test1 and in myHomework. Part A will be on vocabulary and will include multiple choice and multiple select questions. Part B will have computation and application problems. In myHomework under my Resources in Links, students can study the Pre-Algebra vocabulary.

Students can also review on Khan Academy. They can complete the following lessons:
Practice: Writing basic expressions with variables
Practice: Writing expressions with variables
Practice: Terms, factors, & coefficients
Practice: The distributive property with variables

Students can also review writing expressions on Study Island.
Go to www.studyisland.com. Click on the Login button for Schools.
username: firstinitiallastname@hrs (EX: khaynes@hrs)
password: student

Choose MA Programs/6th Grade/Math/Write Expressions

Science: Students continue to study the circulatory and respiratory systems. The test will be on Wednesday, 2/1/17. Students should study each night. Mr. Miller handed out a worksheet called "Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Review Sheet." Students should know all of the information on this worksheet. There are also study materials in myHomework. 

Social Studies: Students continue to study Mesopotamia. They are starting a project on Mesopotamia. 

ELA: Students had their first The Breadwinner test on Monday. Students will continue to read The Breadwinner this week.

Important Upcoming Dates:
1/31 Early Release Day
2/14 Early Release Day
2/20-2/24 February Break, No School

Week of 1/17/17.

Published Jan. 19, 2017, 2:29 p.m.

The students had a great time trading their treasures at Barter Day. This is what students are working on this week.

ELA: There will be an assessment on The Breadwinner on Monday, 1/23/17 on Chapters 1 - 10.

Students should be familiar with the following topics:
  • Chapter Questions
  • Symbols
  • Malali
  • Real life issues in Afghanistan
  • Change/description of characters and relationships
  • Title/cover
MyHomework has a study guide posted with all of the questions and answers. The questions are also in Google Drive in Learning Center Notes 2016/ELA Learning Center/Breadwinner. Students should review these questions.

Math: There will be a math test on Thursday, 1/26/17, and Friday, 1/27/17. Study materials are located in Google Drive in Learning Center Notes 2016/Math Learning Center/Pre-Algebra Test1. Part A will be on vocabulary and will include multiple choice and multiple select questions. Part B will have computation and application problems.

Social Studies: Student are continuing to learn about Mesopotamia.

Science: Students began a Circulatory and Respiratory System unit this week. Students received their Skeletal and Muscular system test back this week. If a student is not happy with his/her grade on the science test, the student is able to retake the quiz. In order to retake a quiz, students must stay after for three review sessions with Mr. Miller. Students are only allowed to retake one science quiz each trimester.

Important Upcoming Dates:
1/20 Trimester II Midterm

Week of 1/9/17.

Published Jan. 10, 2017, 11:03 a.m.

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing break.

Science: Students received their science tests back last week. If a student is not happy about his/her grade on the science test, the student is able to retake the quiz. In order to retake a quiz, students must stay after for three review sessions with Mr. Miller. Students are only allowed to retake one science quiz each trimester.

We began a unit on the Human Body. There will be a quiz on Friday, 1/13/17 on the Skeletal and Muscular System. There are study materials in Google Drive/Learning Center Notes 2016/Science Learning Center.

There is a review on Study Island. www.studyisland.com. Click on the Login button for Schools.
username: firstinitiallastname@hrs
password: student

Click on Custom Material on the left.
#24 Skeletal and Muscular system.

ELA: Students started reading The Breadwinner. Students will be reading and discussing each chapter in school.

SS: Students have a test on Mesopotamia on Friday, 1/13/17. Students will need to know the 2 maps (ancient and modern) and the vocabulary. The vocabulary and maps are on myHomework.

Students are also able to study the vocabulary using Study Island.
www.studyisland.com. Click on the Login button for Schools.
username: firstinitiallastname@hrs
password: student
Click on Custom Material on the left. Choose C1 Mesopotamia Vocabulary.

Math: Students are working on a Pre-Algebra unit this week.

Important Upcoming Dates:
1/16 Martin Luther King Day, no school
1/17 Delayed Opening

Week of 12/19/16.

Published Dec. 19, 2016, 11:32 a.m.

We have two tests and an essay due this week.

Math: There will be a math test on decimal operations on Thursday, 12/22/16. Study guides are posted on myHomework. The answer keys are posted in Google Drive in the Learning Center Notes 2016 folder under Math Learning Center/Decimal Operations.

Students can complete the following lessons on Khan Academy.
- Practice: Adding decimals: tenths                 
- Practice: Adding decimals: hundredths
- Practice: Adding decimals: thousandths       
- Practice: Subtracting decimals: tenths
- Practice: Subtracting decimals: hundredths  
- Practice: Subtracting decimals: thousandths
- Practice: Adding & Subtracting decimals word problems
- Practice: Multiplying decimals 3 (standard algorithm)
- Practice: Dividing decimals 1                           
- Practice: Dividing decimals: hundredths
- Practice: Dividing decimals: ten thousandths

Science: There will be a test on Waves on Thursday, 12/22/16. The notes and study guide for this unit are in Google Drive/Learning Center Notes 2016/Science Learning Center/Waves.

Students can also study on Study Island. Here is how they can get to the review on the Internet.

username: firstinitiallastname@hrs (EX: khaynes@hrs)
password: student

Click on Custom Material (on the left of the screen)
Click on Waves

Social Studies: The Iceman essays are due on Thursday. Students need to decide if Iceman was a farmer or a hunter-gatherer and use evidence to support their theory. If students share their essay with me on Google Drive, I would be happy to make comments and suggestions.

ELA: Students are learning about Afghanistan as we prepare to read the book The Breadwinner.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week off of school!

Important Upcoming Dates:
12/24-1/2 Holiday Break, no school
1/16 Martin Luther King Day, no school
1/17 Delayed Opening

Week of 12/5/16

Published Dec. 6, 2016, 12:28 p.m.

Math: There will be a decimal math quiz on Wednesday, 12/716.

To prepare for the quiz, students should complete the attached study guide on myHomework. The answer key is on Google Drive in the Learning Center Notes 2016 folder/Math Learning Center/Decimals (students only need to do the first 2 pages).

Students should also complete the following practice lessons on Khan Academy

1) Practice: Decimal place value names
2) Practice: Value of a decimal digit
3) Practice: Compare decimals through thousandths
4) Practice: Order decimals
5) Practice: Round decimals 1
6) Practice: Rewrite fractions as decimals

Science: We just began a unit on Waves.

Social Studies: There will be an Early Humans open book quiz on Friday, 12/9/16. Students must bring the following materials to class on Friday, and any notes from the iPad must be printed out.
- Early Humans Vocabulary Chart
- Timeline and Chronological Order Handout
- Hominid Notes Chart
- Learning to Farm Handout
- Learning to Farm Reading
- Early Humans Timeline (on the receipt paper)
- Lucy Article (on your iPad, must be printed)

ELA: Students are working on their personal narrative.

Important Upcoming Dates:
12/7 Start of Trimester 2
12/14 Delayed Opening
12/25-1/2 No School, Holiday Break
1/3 First Day Back to School

Week of 11/21/16.

Published Nov. 22, 2016, 2:42 p.m.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoys the long weekend. On Wednesday, 11/23/16, we will be having our Pig Races. We are looking forward to a really fun morning! We also have a math test on Wednesday. The test will be on fraction operations word problems. Students can review for this quiz on Khan Academy. I would recommend completing the following topics:

- Add and subtract fraction word problems
- Multiplying fractions word problems
- Dividing fractions word problems
- Divide fractions and whole numbers word problems

I also posted a study guide on myHomework (answers are on the last page). Students should complete these practice problems and check that their answers are correct.

Important Upcoming Dates:
11/23 Half Day
11/24 and 11/25 No School (Thanksgiving)
12/2 The end of Trimester 1
12/5 The start of Trimester 2
12/14 Delayed Opening

Week of 11/14/16.

Published Nov. 14, 2016, 9:01 p.m.

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. There will be a math quiz at the end of the week. 

Math: Students will have a fraction operations word problem quiz on Friday, 11/19/16. Students can review for this quiz on Khan Academy. I would recommend completing the following topics:

- Add and subtract fraction word problems
- Multiplying fractions word problems
- Dividing fractions word problems
- Divide fractions and whole numbers word problems

ELA: Students continue to work on identifying compound and complex sentences. They are also working on identifying fragments and run-ons. Students will begin a personal narrative unit this week. In learning center, students are learning writing strategies that will help them with their personal narrative. These strategies include using strong verbs, precise nouns, dialogue, transitional words, and comparisons in their writing. In addition, students will work on learning ways to include attention grabbers at the beginning of a sentence. This will get the readers interested in the students' narratives. 

SS: Students are beginning a new unit on Early Humans. They will begin the unit by learning the key vocabulary words.

Science: Students will finish reviewing the car experiment. Then, they will learn about volume. 

Week of November 7, 2016.

Published Nov. 6, 2016, 7:13 p.m.

We have two tests this week and two days off.

Math: We have a math test on Thursday, 11/10/16. The test is on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. All notes and the study guide are in Google Drive/Learning Center Notes 2016/Math Learning Center/FractionOperations.  It is important that students check their answers once they complete the study guide.
Students can also use Khan Academy to study. There are videos and practice problems for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.

Social Studies: There will be a Social Studies Archaeology test on Thursday, 11/10/16. All study materials are located in Google Drive (LearningCenterNotes/SS Learning Center/Archaeology). If students would like paper copies of the notes, they should see me. There is also a review on Quizlet.

ELA: Students will be learning about complete, compound, and complex sentences this week. They will also begin putting together their electronic portfolios. 

Science: Students designed a toy car experiment, and they will conduct this experiment this week.

Important Dates:
11/8 No School, Election Day
11/10 Math and Social Studies Tests
11/11 No School, Veteran's Day

Week of 10/31/16.

Published Oct. 31, 2016, 1:42 p.m.

Here is the weekly update with important information. 

ELA: Students have a two day short story test on Thursday and Friday. I have added an outline of what students need to study on myHomework. There is also a Quizlet to help students review. Students are working on a detailed study guide in English class. The answers to this study guide are posted in Google Drive/Learning Center Notes 2016/ELA Learning Center/Short Story Unit LC. Below is a link to the Quizlet. 

Math: Students continue to work on fraction operations this week. If students are ever confused while doing homework, the notes are posted in Google Drive/Learning Center Notes 2016/Math Learning Center/FractionOperations. Khan Academy also has excellent videos that explain each math concept that we are learning this year. 

Science: In Science class, students are working on creating experiments. 

Social Studies: Students are creating a presentation using Google Slides. The presentation will include information about artifacts from the dig. 

Important Dates:
11/3 First day of the ELA test
11/4 Second day of the ELA test
11/8 No School, Election Day
11/11 No School, Veteran's Day

Week of 10/17/16

Published Oct. 18, 2016, 9:07 a.m.

We are back to a full week of school. 

Math: There will be a math test on Thursday, October 20th on Fractions. There is a study guide and answer key in Google Drive (Learning Center Notes 2016/Math Learning Center/Fractions Introduction. Students can also study using Khan Academy. 

ELA: We are continuing with our short story unit. The students are currently reading the short story "The Necklace".

SS: We are working on our Archaeology unit and preparing for the dig. 

Science: We are continuing to learn about the metric system. 

We have reached the halfway point of the first trimester. This is a time for parents and students to look at grades. The midterm letters are due on Friday, 10/21. 

Upcoming Dates: 
10/26: Early release
10/26: Student picture day