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karenmhaynes's image Ms. Karen Haynes

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Week of November 7, 2016.

Published Nov. 6, 2016, 7:13 p.m.

We have two tests this week and two days off.

Math: We have a math test on Thursday, 11/10/16. The test is on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. All notes and the study guide are in Google Drive/Learning Center Notes 2016/Math Learning Center/FractionOperations.  It is important that students check their answers once they complete the study guide.
Students can also use Khan Academy to study. There are videos and practice problems for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.

Social Studies: There will be a Social Studies Archaeology test on Thursday, 11/10/16. All study materials are located in Google Drive (LearningCenterNotes/SS Learning Center/Archaeology). If students would like paper copies of the notes, they should see me. There is also a review on Quizlet.

ELA: Students will be learning about complete, compound, and complex sentences this week. They will also begin putting together their electronic portfolios. 

Science: Students designed a toy car experiment, and they will conduct this experiment this week.

Important Dates:
11/8 No School, Election Day
11/10 Math and Social Studies Tests
11/11 No School, Veteran's Day