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If you give me three days to see

Published Jan. 18, 2023, 12:51 a.m.

At noon, we began to prepare lunch. He lit a fire in the deep pit that had been dug on the ground, set up thick and long branches, and barbecued the meat kebabs with iron wires. The dark-skinned servant crouched around the fire, waving long branches to drive away the flies. The smell of the roast was so strong that my stomach was rumbling away before the table was set. While we were busy preparing for the picnic, the hunters came back in twos and threes. They were exhausted, their horses were foaming, and the hounds were wheezing with their heads, asking what they had got, but nothing. During the meal, everyone claimed to have seen more than one deer, and that it was close to the hurricane, and when the hounds were about to catch up and raise their guns to shoot, it suddenly disappeared. They were as lucky as the little boy in the fairy tale. The boy said he almost found a rabbit, but all he saw was the rabbit's footprints. Soon, the hunters put all the unpleasant things behind them and sat around the table. However, instead of venison, they served roast beef and roast pork. Who told them not to shoot deer? This summer, I raised a pony of my own in the mountains. I call it "Black Beauty." It's the name of a book I just finished. This horse is very similar to the horse in the book, especially the black hair and the white star on the forehead are exactly the same. I spent many happy hours riding on its back. When the horse was docile,endless pool factory, Miss Sullivan loosened the reins and let him roam free. The horses stopped at the side of the path to graze, and then bit the leaves on the small trees. In the morning, when I didn't want to ride, I went for a walk in the woods with Miss Sullivan after breakfast. So he deliberately let himself get lost between the woods and the vines, where there was only a path for cattle and horses. When the bushes get in the way, make a detour. When we come back, we always bring back several large bunches of flowers and plants unique to the south, such as osmanthus,endless swimming pool, goldenrod, Pteris multifida and so on. Sometimes, I would go with Mi Zhuli and my cousins to pick persimmons. I don't like persimmons, but I like their fragrance, and I prefer to look for them in the grass and leaves. Sometimes we picked all kinds of mountain fruits. I helped them peel chestnuts and break the hard shells of pecans and walnuts. The walnuts were really big and sweet! There was a railway at the foot of the mountain, and the train often sped past us, and sometimes it made a long, shrill sound that frightened us into the house. My sister would come nervously and excitedly to tell me that there was a cow or a horse walking around on the railway, but she was not moved by the sharp whistle. About a mile away from the villa, there was a viaduct that spanned a deep gorge, and the distance between the sleepers was so great that walking on the bridge was like stepping on the tip of a knife. I never thought of taking the bridge until one day, Miss Sullivan took me and my sister lost our way in the woods and turned around for hours without finding the way. Suddenly, my sister pointed to the front with her little finger and shouted, "Viaduct, Chinese spa manufacturer ,hot tub wholesale, viaduct!" " In fact, we would rather take any other difficult path than cross the bridge, but it was getting late, and there was only one shortcut in front of us, so I had no choice but to stand on tiptoe to test the sleepers. At first, he was not very afraid, and he was still walking steadily. Suddenly, from a distance, there was a faint sound of "puff, puff". Here comes the train! Cried the younger sister. If we hadn't fallen on the crosspost immediately, we would probably have been crushed to pieces. What a close call! The hot air from the train hit me in the face, and we were almost choked by the soot and ash. The train ran away, the viaduct shook, and people seemed to be thrown into the abyss. It took us a lot of effort to climb back up. When we got home, night had already fallen, and the house was empty. They all went out to search for us. Section 13 The White World After that trip to Boston, I spent almost every winter in the north. Once I went to a small New England village for the winter, where I saw frozen lakes and vast snow-covered fields. For the first time, I experienced the infinite mystery of the ice and snow world. I was surprised to find that the strange hands of nature had stripped the trees and jungles of their coats, leaving only a few scattered dead leaves. The birds flew away, leaving only empty nests piled with snow in the bare trees. The high mountains and the vast wilderness are full of bleak scenes. The power of the Winter God has hardened and numbed the earth, and the spirits of the trees have retreated to their roots. All life, curled up asleep in the dark ground, seemed to have disappeared. Even when the sun shines brightly, the day is still shrunken and cold, as if its blood vessels have withered and aged, and it climbs up feebly, just to take a dim look at the cold world. One day, the weather was gloomy, indicating that a snowstorm was coming. Before long, the snow began to fall. We ran out of the house and caught the first snow with our hands. Snowflakes drifted silently from the sky to the ground for hours on end. The field became flat and white. When I got up early in the morning, I could hardly distinguish the original appearance of the village. The road was covered with snow, and there was no sign to identify the road, only bare trees standing in the snow. In the evening, there was a sudden northeasterly wind, which rolled up the snow and snowflakes everywhere. The family sat around the roaring fire, telling stories and playing games, completely forgetting that they were isolated from the outside world. During the night, the wind was blowing more and more fiercely, and the snow was getting heavier and heavier. We were very frightened. The eaves rattled, the trees outside swayed from side to side, and the broken branches kept beating against the windows, making a terrible sound. It was not until the third day that the heavy snow stopped. The sun peeped through the clouds and shone on the vast white rolling plain, surrounded by grotesque mounds of snow. We shoveled a narrow path through the snow, and I put on my turban and cloak and came out. The air was cold, and my cheeks were hurt by the wind. Teacher Sullivan and I walked in the middle of the path for a while,outdoor spa manufacturers, then walked into the snow for a while, and came to a pine forest with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and then to a wide grassland. monalisa.com