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Find Service of Best Food Care Professional

Published June 30, 2022, 8:52 a.m.

Your feet are really essential. You work with them all day, every day. Despite the fact that we use them so frequently, many individuals take foot care for casually. As a result, when it comes to providing good care through Podiatrist Essendon, most people just take a reactive instead of proactive approach. And, the reality is, failing to properly care for your feet can lead to a slew of other health issues, including back, spinal, and neck problems.

While most individuals will dismiss an aching or soreness in their foot as insignificant, if the problem persists, you should have it checked out.

Nobody should have to deal with foot problems like:

  • Calluses and corns
  • Toe nail problems
  • Infections of many kinds
  • Blisters
  • Soreness in the muscles
  • Shoes that are too small
  • Soreness in general

Even if you believe these are typical problems, you should have them checked out by a professional.

Choosing the proper Podiatry Deer Park expert is akin to selecting the bestFoot Doctor Deer Park. You want to choose one that is local to your house, specialises in the problems you are experiencing, and has the abilities and procedures to help you as successfully as possible.

How do you locate a reputable Podiatrist Deer Park?

There are several approaches you can take to discover a reputable Altona Podiatry. They are as follows:

  • Seek advice from your friends and relatives. One of the most prevalent ways for people to find Podiatrist Millers Road Altona providers is through referrals.
  • Consult your primary care physician. Because your family doctor works in the medical sector, they will know who the top Podiatrist Altona specialists are. They collaborate with them and listen to what their sufferers have to say once they receive therapy from them.
  • Contact your local podiatry association. They will have a list of all the local Podiatrist Altona North specialists. Take a look and contact a few to see if they are a suitable fit for you.
  • If none of the other solutions work, look in the phone book or search online for Melbourne Foot Clinic. Many of them have sites where you may learn more about the services they provide. This should give you a solid indication of whether or not they are a suitable fit for you.

Another thing to bear in mind when looking for a competent Podiatrist Point Cook is that many specialise in specific forms of treatment. There are, however, foot care and wellness facilities with a huge staff of expert Foot Clinic Point Cookwho can help treat practically any type of foot ailment. Since many services of Podiatrist Hoppers Crossing are available in one location, you can go there now and, in the future, no matter what problem you are having with your feet.

The top Podiatry Hoppers Crossing clinics must be able to offer a full range of services. This means that the facility should provide routine foot treatments, including toenail trimming, to the elderly.

Finally, find out if the Hoppers Crossing Foot Clinic that offers home service and treatment. Allowing for home consultations will benefit elderly who are unable to walk as well as those suffering from major physical disorders and diseases.

Importance of podiatrist pathologies

Published June 4, 2022, 6:04 a.m.

There are many people who, browsing the web, look for information on what the podiatrist does. In the next few lines of this article, you can find some valuable specifics about it.

Podiatrist: what does he cure?

Whether you are talking about Podiatrist Altona North or professionalÕs active in other cities does not matter. When it comes to those who work in this area, a health professional - not a doctor - is involved in treating and preventing the main pathologies affecting the feet.

How does a visit to the podiatrist take place?

The doctor inquires about:

  • Height
  • Age
  • Physical structure
  • Foot conformation
  • Patient's health history

Podiatrist Hoppers Crossing also focuses on the state of the skin of the foot able, for example, to make people understand if there is a situation of significant water retention.

Another important moment of the visit to the podiatrist is the so-called endoscopic examination. The specialist focuses on one of the most relevant aspects of his work, checking the support of the feet. In this phase of the visit, a fundamental tool of the podiatrist's work intervenes the plantar imprint. It is possible to understand how the weight is distributed on the sole and the toes thanks to it. Essential in this regard is the podoscope.

This tool allows you to analyze the characteristics of the patient's arch. The person who undergoes the podiatry examination must stand up and rest all his weight on his feet.

The podoscope consists of the following parts:

  • Supporting structure to support the weight of the patient
  • Crystal plate on which the patient places his feet

Foot Clinic Point Cook mentions the baropodometric examination, which allows us to understand how the weight is distributed on foot both in a static situation and in a dynamic context.

The podiatrist treats pathologies.

After this necessary premise, let's see which pathologies the podiatrist treats. Here are the main ones:

  • Anatomical malformations of the foot (e.g. flat foot)
  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Hallux valgus
  • Hammer's toes

Podiatrist Millers Road Altona also point out that the podiatrist also treated onychomycosis and problems such as ingrown toenails.

What course of study does the podiatrist follow?

Hoppers Crossing Foot Clinic has been talking about scientific foot care for a long time. It is enough to remember that, in various bas-reliefs dating back to the times of ancient Egypt, you can find evidence relating to the attention to the lower extremities of the body.

How do you become a Podiatrist Essendon professional? By enrolling in the degree course of the same name. It is a 3-year course, during which different subjects are studied. It starts with human anatomy, clinical pathology, general pathology, and histology.

How to choose the perfect podiatrist?

When it comes to choosing a podiatrist, several criteria to focusing on references from friends and relatives, not to be forgotten, are inquiring about the specialisation through the site or other portals such as LinkedIn. A podiatrist who specializes in the situation of elderly patients will not be suitable for managing a child's foot problems.

Tips for choosing podiatrist

Published May 19, 2022, 1:09 a.m.

The basic podiatry treatment begins with a thorough examination of the condition of the skin and nails to understand the reasons that caused the foot problem, for example, the use of the wrong footwear, an incorrect way of walking, etc.

This treatment guarantees the immediate improvement of painful symptoms but should not be considered a definitive cure for the pathology. Callosity means a manifestation of cutaneous and subcutaneous hypertrophy secondary to morphological alterations of the foot that produce overload.

  • Performed services

Ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail is a lesion of the nail groove caused by the nail, usually in the big toe. The triggering factors are inadequate shoes: small or with a too-narrow toe and false nails cut. The Melbourne Podiatry Clinics intervenes by removing the painful nail plug and, through suitable dressings, protecting the inflamed skin tissues and the nail to bring it back to physiological conditions.

Plantar warts

The Podiatrist intervenes by removing the superficial part of the wart with a suitable blade, disinfecting the area and applying a soft felt drain. It also uses a keratolytic preparation and places it in the centre of the felting, in the affected skin area, impeding it. A specific area of ​​the toes. With this technique, Podiatrist Seabrook eliminates calluses and pain on the toes.

Baropodometric examination

It evaluates the support quality on the ground of the feet both in the static and dynamic phases by Podiatry Deer Park. The test provides and considers in-depth how to perform the step and any changes in walking that can lead to pain in the foot, knees and back.

  • Orthotics

Custom orthopaedic insoles

The custom-made insole is designed to prevent, compensate or correct postural, biomechanical and pathological attitudes of the foot and supra-segmental structures (knees, hips, lumbar area, etc.). For a better approach and choice of custom-made insoles suitable for the specific problem, evaluating the plantar support and the clinical and instrumental posture with the podiatrist is advisable.

The most frequent problems or pathologies to which insoles can make an important contribution to improvement are:


  • Pronate of the child and the adult
  • Foot Hollow
  • Hallux valgus
  • Metatarsalgia and Morton's Syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis, allodynia, tendinitis, Achilles tendinosis

Foot Reflexology

Foot reflexology is an ancient science done by Podiatrist Wyndham Vale. It is a holistic technique that involves stimulating reflex points of the foot corresponding to organs, viscera and distal parts of the body, which works on a physical and emotional level, restoring harmony in the individual. The treatment has the following benefits:

  • Relaxation
  • Purification
  • Improvement of lymphatic circulation also stimulates the body's immune defences.
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Anti pain effect
  • Energy balance

Reflexology massage is also, and above all, practised in the elderly. Moreover, it is suitable for people who cannot be treated with direct manipulations, such as massages, since reflexology benefits through the foot, without directly touching the suffering area. Postural alterations will be carefully analyzed by Podiatrist Deer Park and, where necessary, a corrective intervention can be started to prevent and avoid the onset of deformities no longer correctable except through interventions in adulthood.

Importance of Taking Care of Your Feet

Published April 25, 2022, 2:55 a.m.

In case there is a body part that we do not pay much attention to. Maybe because of our feet. As the main part that supports our whole body most of the day, our feet are under a lot of stress due to our body weight. Since our socks and shoes covered our feet every day, we thought they were safe. Not that our feet are safe and protected. What if the problem is not on the surface? WhatÕs worse is that if the shoes we wear actually cause invisible problems that slowly develop inside our feet. We tend to overlook short-term pain. that sometimes feel when walking This is not something anyone should ignore. If you often experience foot pain when walking, you may want to start looking for a Hoppers Crossing Foot Clinic or a best Foot Doctor Deer Park.

A Podiatrist Altona is professional specializing in the treatment of your foot. You may wonder why a specialist of Foot Clinic Point Cookis really needed. Most people don't know that there are points on our feet that are connected to other large parts of our body. If we neglect our feet, our entire body is affected. In the same way, when we get sick, a way of telling what has affected us is to look at our feet. In most cases, our feet are the part that shows we may have an illness. For example, gout causes discoloration of the feet.

Most patients who come to a podiatrist regularly have diabetes. As a complication of the disease, the foot is one of the most fatal symptoms. In diabetics, the healing process in the body is greatly slowed down. The Podiatrist Deer Park will advise us not to make cuts, bruises or cuts, especially on the limbs. If these cuts and wounds are not treated promptly, they can lead to infection or worse, amputation.

Watch out for blemishes as this may be a sign of developing skin cancer. Foot care should not begin when you are about to lose it. Always take good care of your feet and don't take your body parts lightly. Even a foot specialist or Altona Podiatryadvises us to follow these simple tips. It is suggested you to visit Melbourne Foot Clinic or your selected Podiatrist Altona North regularly to keep your feet in good condition.

Pamper yourself from time to time with a foot spa. Don't overload your legs. If you feel tired from walking, stop, sit with your leg comfortably elevated on a chair to relax. Don't forget to stretch or exercise your legs at the beginning of the day. Always remember to check your feet for discoloration, bumps and wounds that do not heal. It is best to avoid any inconvenience that may occur in the future. Get a monthly checkup or see a Podiatrist Millers Road Altona when needed. Don't wait until the pain is unbearable, it's always best to go ahead if you want to keep using your feet.

What Should You Know By A Foot Clinic?

Published April 7, 2022, 1:03 a.m.

The goal of the Foot Clinic or Podiatry Deer Park specialist is to give proper foot and ankle care. So that you can get back on your feet and return to your activities without pain as quickly as possible. There are many different types of Podiatrist Tarneit. Most of them handle different foot conditions in different ways. Some conditions treated at a typical foot treatment center include:

  • Ankle injuries
  • Hard skin and calluses
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Flat feet or curved feet
  • Stress fractures
  • Arthritis
  • Heel spurs
  • Heel spores
  • Nasal
  • Nasal
  • Nasal
  • Nasal 44
  • Bacterial and fungal infections
  • Injections against nerve, ligament, tendon or fascial conditions
  • Debridement of wounds
  • Skin rash and growth

Foot diseases such as diabetes and arthritis. What can I expect from a clinic or specialist in Podiatry Tarneit?

A Podiatrist Wyndham Vale, such as a pediatric orthopaedist, Podiatrist Laverton, sports medicine specialist, chiropractor, physiotherapist or orthopedic surgeon will examine your feet, assess your problem and discuss treatment options with you. Different techniques can be used to assess your injury. Practical orthopedic examination and observation are standard. Evaluations show that X-rays can be used to determine if there is any bone damage. If needed, a bone scan, computed tomography, ultrasound, or MRI scan can be ordered.

What treatment does thePodiatry Lavertonprovide?

Treatment at Podiatrist Williams Landing depends on your problem and your caregiver. This may include rest, fixation, choice of shoes. Ankle supports are specially designed insoles for shoes. They are prescribed for various biomechanical problems and are designed to help control abnormal foot function and relieve pain. Custom orthotics are specially designed for your feet and will meet your specific needs, while over-the-counter orthotics are widely manufactured, but some are customized according to the foot problems and types.

In some cases, surgical treatment may be necessary for certain conditions, usually after more conservative treatments have been tried and failed. Most of the surgeries are executed in a clinic or hospital.

Foot clinics and rehabilitation

Doctors and professionals Podiatrist Seabrook at a foot clinic often have a rehabilitation process to follow and guide you through the process. Sometimes a physiotherapist may be needed. Your Podiatrist Truganina may have physical therapists, or doctors or podiatrists may refer you to someone they recommend. They will also teach you to help prevent further foot injuries.

How do I find Melbourne Podiatry Clinics?

To find a clinic or Podiatrist Near Me, talk to your doctor, look in the directory or check online. Check the suitability of the person you are going to meet. Some areas may not have a dedicated foot clinic, but you can make an appointment with your local pediatrician,Orthotics Melbourne, podiatrist, Point Cook Podiatry specialist or physiotherapist in their own office.

Another condition to evaluate in young children is when the heel position is completely normal but the forefoot is tilted inward. It may or may not progress to a painful deformity and therefore requires treatment. However, they are usually mild malformations and can be effectively treated when the child is a few years old.

Get Needed Treatment From Best Foot Specialist

Published March 9, 2022, 5:23 a.m.

If anybody has ever suffered from foot problem, they know how difficult it is to maintain a normal routine when you canÕt walk properly. The answer may lie in foot surgery from Hoppers Crossing Foot Clinic where many different surgical procedures are offered to relieve the pain experienced. Try searching the Internet for information related to Podiatry Hoppers Crossing as it will help you to find out best Melbourne Foot Clinic.

Congenital problems are not always a problem in this area. Wearing the wrong type of shoe for several years will also start a lifelong problem. It may require an operation to correct any abnormalities through the professionals of Podiatrist Hoppers Crossing. Although some of these surgeries are not considered risky, they can be avoided as long as the individual can take good care of their feet. Of course, women are the worst when it comes to wearing the wrong shoes, and they are bound to suffer later in life because of arrogance.

Pointed-toe shoes or shoes with heels that are too high can cause the foot to bend unnaturally over a long period of time. Thumbs that are pressed against other fingers often need to be guided later in life. It may involve inserting threads through the fingers to keep them in proper shape. This can put people out of work for a while, so think about how your feet feel in these shoes or get suggestions from Foot Doctor Deer Park.

For those who suffer from back pain after wearing the mentioned shoes, the answer is very simple, choose services of Foot Clinic Point Cook. Avoid wearing inappropriate footwear and learn to do lower back strengthening exercises to relieve pain. If it is necessary to wear heels, make sure that the walking distance is shorter or reduce the height of the heel until a more natural gait is obtained. If possible, change your shoes daily to give your legs, ankles and back a chance to recover from any stress they experience.

Many people will have pain in the heel as they get a little older. One of the main causes of this problem is heel spurs, which are bony growths on the heel bone. When you put weight on the heel, pain is felt, and this prevents the individual from walking anywhere. The answer is actually around this by-product based on a relatively simple operation that is a permanent solution. You can even get suggestions from Podiatrist Deer Park. Of course, dewclaws can grow almost anywhere, and this is often the cause of stiffness and inflexibility in adults over time.

Some inducements do not work and the response is to remain as still as possible while taking painkillers. It has also been shown that people who exercise regularly tend to be more relaxed and do not suffer as much from depression as they do. In any way a person should take care of his body as much as possible. So, suffering does not become a part of life get help from professional Podiatrist Essendon.

Get Treatment For Your Irritating Foot Problems

Published Feb. 24, 2022, 8:35 a.m.

Everybody recognizes how hard it is to have problems, even very small ones, with your legs. But there are Point Cook Podiatry clinics that serve those who have problems. Foot surgery from expert of Podiatry Near Me is sometimes necessary to correct and treat the problem as quickly as possible.

Of course, there are many things that can go wrong with your feet when you consider how hard they work each day. Even the fitness regimens that some people use damage the delicate ankles and especially the heel, so you need to find a professional through Melbourne Podiatry Clinics to help solve the problem.

An unusual condition that people may not be aware of are heel spurs, which can occur at any time. It affects many people, but it mostly affects the elderly. The horn literally grows from the heel bone and causes pain indescribable to the patient, and there is little that can be done with over-the-counter remedies and Orthotics Melbourne.

What usually happens when the problem disappears permanently is that a surgical procedure of Podiatrist Near Me may be necessary. The heel is open and the visible bone growth is literally polished so that the patient can walk again without excruciating pain when they put all their weight on the heel. Sometimes cortisone injections from Podiatrist Truganina cause a slight delay in the problem but the main way to get rid of it permanently is surgery as mentioned.

Of course, there are many other kinds of very common problems. Bunions or corns from wearing poor shoes for many years often cause a lot of pain in the future. Professionals Podiatrist Seabrook have to deal with this, although some resort to acid therapy and self-medication. However, these can be very dangerous, so it may be wise to consult an expert Podiatrist Williams Landing when the problem arises.

Even diabetics have a lot of blood circulation problems and this can sometimes lead to lower extremity problems that need immediate attention. Therefore, Podiatry Laverton specialist must check before the problem goes away.

There are many types of problems, including pain, which are not easy to explain. Since this part of the body contains more bones than any other part, it is not surprising that pain, and sometimes a lack of feeling. It will appear at some point in our lives. There are many reasons, but doctors and professionals Podiatrist Laverton need to take detailed notes and lots of digital photos to determine exactly where the problem is.

Finally, if the injury is caused by aging or overly demanding or unusual training, the specialist Podiatrist Wyndham Vale should be allowed to take a look to see if something more serious is going on. This way the problem will be solved very quickly and also the pain will go away. If you are suffering from foot or ankle related problems then you should go and get the services of professional Podiatrist Point Cook. You should know that an expert Podiatrist Altona North can only give you best suggestion and required treatment.

Do You Need The Service of Podiatrist?

Published Jan. 31, 2022, 4:01 a.m.

Podiatrist Deer Park will do their best to keep up with the latest developments in foot care. why do you ask? Because everyone has to take care of their feet, even if they are driving a car rather than walking.

Many metropolitan areas are known for their crowded streets and crowded highways. ItÕs probably true that most people living in these places drive cars almost everywhere. Because of this, they may be neglecting proper care of their feet.

How do I know if I need a podiatrist or Foot Doctor Deer Park?

Not all type of foot pain needs the help of Altona Podiatry expert. Perhaps a good foot massage, a hot bath, or just a few hours of rest will solve the problem. Or you may need new shoes or better socks. As such, you may not need a Podiatrist Millers Road Altona. However, if you are experiencing persistent pain, professional help may be appropriate.

Pain that improves with activity is a confirm sign of a severe problem. If resting your feet all day doesnÕt help, something is wrong. Usually, foot pain should stop after a few hours of rest. However, if the pain is more than normal, problems such as fractures may occur. This pain does not go away without proper treatment of Podiatrist Altona.

Another sign of a serious problem is foot pain when raising the foot. Raising your feet usually relieves pain in your feet. However, if raising your feet makes your feet worse, you may have a circulatory problem. This is a serious condition that requires the help of a Podiatrist Altona North. You will probably also need to see a doctor.

If you have a tingling, burning, or numbness in your feet, you may have neuropathy. Neurological disorders are a common symptom of diabetes and should be monitored by a podiatrist of Melbourne Foot Clinic. If you have these problems, you may have diabetes. Therefore, it is important to have a podiatrist examine your foot and see a doctor.

When should I ask for help?

If you have any of the above problems, you should contact your Podiatrist Point Cook as soon as possible. Even if you donÕt have a serious problem right now, you should still take care of your feet, and they will take care of you.

Ask your friends and family

Your friends and family may also help. The above specialized institutions are good, but recommendations from someone you know are also effective. A Podiatrist Essendon who has a good reputation from a reliable person is more comfortable. If none of the other options give good results, you can ask your doctor. Most doctors of Foot Clinic Point Cook have a network of other professionals who can recommend them. They often work with many different doctors and network with other nurses. Nurses are familiar with doctorsÕ reputation, expertise and attitudes.

Use the Internet

If other options do not give good results, you can use this route. Find a Podiatrist Hoppers Crossing and call their office.

Foot Problems That Need Attention of Podiatrist

Published Jan. 15, 2022, 5:03 a.m.

You should carefully think about your feet. You walk on them, expose them to rough surfaces and weather, put them in your shoes, and let them absorb all the bumps of walking and running. Our feet are beaten every day, so it's no wonder that most of us have had foot injuries over the years.

Your local Point Cook Podiatry can help you here. These specialists Podiatry Near Me can identify the problems you are having and bring those useful accessories back to your full health. What specific illness do these doctors need to treat? Let's take a look.

All kinds of foot and ankle pain.

Exercise and the increased biting pain that accompanies it can lead to fatigue and fractures. Podiatrists provide the care needed to heal a fracture before it worsens into a full-blown fracture.

Other pains can be more difficult to diagnose. Severe pain that lasts more than 24 hours may indicate a fracture, tendon problem, or infection. Burning sensation and sudden numbness are signs of neuropathy and are at risk of developing foot ulcers. If you have foot pain when you lift your foot and lie down, it may be due to poor blood flow. All of these problems are best diagnosed and treated by professionals Orthotics Melbourne.

Surface problems

Persistent open pain in the feet and ankles can lead to bone and skin infections. If the cut or wound does not heal immediately, see a specialist of Melbourne Podiatry Clinics. For the same reason, if you notice discoloration of the skin on one or both feet, consult a Podiatrist Near Me. This can mean gout or venous or blood flow problems.

Fungal infections form another area of ​​foot disease. Experts Podiatrist Truganina should examine stubborn athlete's foot, octopus, corn, warts, or hallux valgus. You may be referred to a dermatologist for treatment, but a podiatrist must be your first line of defense against these problems.

The foot can develop complications, including spontaneous displacement of the bones. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but regardless of the cause, it is very painful. If you start to feel redness, swelling, or pain, consult your Podiatrist Seabrookimmediately. If left untreated, the bones can heal in the wrong place, causing permanent deformation and difficulty walking. Similar to many people have one or both feet that cause the arch to collapse or flatten. This is a sign of tendon dysfunction, perhaps even a rupture of the tendon. If left untreated, tendon problems can affect bone alignment and cause arthritis in the joints. Fortunately, most tendon problems can be resolved fairly easily by seeing a Podiatrist Williams Landing right after you notice the problem.

Stress fractures are a common problem for people who exercise regularly. It often happens when you exercise too much without eating the right food to repair yourself or charge the battery. This is because this fracture occurs when the bone cells are not destroyed.

As you can see, foot problems come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can happen at any particular age and often happeninstinctively. A Podiatry Laverton will help you relieve even the smallest pain and make sure it does not develop into a larger, more painful condition.

How Can A Foot Doctor Assist You?

Published Dec. 24, 2021, 5:17 a.m.

If you have sore feet, Podiatrist Laverton or discoloured toenails, cracks or cuts in the skin, growths like warts and verrucas, scaling or peeling on the soles, or any other foot-related issue, you should see a foot doctor for advice and treatment.

Podiatry Laverton can additionally provide orthotics, which are tailored insoles, pads, and arch supports that to help relieve arch or heel pain. The Podiatrist Seabrook is inserted into your shoe to align your foot, relieve pressure on sensitive parts of your foot, or just make your shoes more comfortable. Even if your feet are usually in good shape, you might want to consider having one session of treatment.

For example, any rough skin on your feet should be removed, and your toenails should be cut. A Podiatrist Williams Landing doctor can also give you advice on footwear (bring your shoes) and make sure you're taking after your feet appropriately. Podiatrist Truganina can also help with more advanced foot ailments, as well as the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sports and exercise-related injuries.

What makes a chiropodist different from a foot doctor?Although there is no Podiatrist Near Me between a foot doctor and a medical specialist, the term "foot doctor" may be more popular.

What takes place during the consultation?

The Melbourne Podiatry Clinics doctor can take a comprehensive anamnesis and do basic tests, such as assessing your blood circulation and feeling in your feet, during your initial session. They might look at how you walk and move your lower leg joints as well. They'll talk to you about your problems and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Minor abnormalities that have been detected may be handled on the spot, including the removal of tough skin, corns, and calluses. The Orthotics Melbourne can be completely painless (even enjoyable) and last anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour.

Is it possible for me to acquire drugs through the NHS?

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggests that footcare treatments for long-term diseases such as polygenic disease, peripheral vascular disease, and arthritis be made available on the NHS.

However, there is no Podiatry Near Me for foot health care that isn't linked to a long-term ailment. This means that each CCG can determine what forms to make available on the NHS based on local demand.You are unlikely to be eligible for Point Cook Podiatry medicine if your disease has little impact on your health or quality of life, such as a wart that appears unattractive but does not pain when you walk. Consult your doctor to see if you are eligible for NHS medication.

Is it possible for a foot doctor to visit me at home?

If your foot problems are so serious that you find it difficult to run, you should be able to schedule an appointment with a foot doctor to come to your home. If you want a home visit, tell your doctor, and they should be able to recommend a suitable medical specialist or foot doctor.