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Sons of the Forest Map

Published April 4, 2023, 8:29 a.m.

While you're sitting tight for Sons of the Forest Map, you can make progress toward developing a straightforward ranch or even chase little animals physically on the off chance that you're quick craving needs haven't been met at this point. Simply ensure you return to check your snares frequently, as they in some cases need resetting when they fizzle. Simply be cautious that you or your human companions don't coincidentally thump the snares while you or they are staggering around the backwoods.

The most effective method to Prepare Food in Children of the Timberland

Presently you have your hands on some meat and fish, and sure, you could go Gollum and only chow down on crude tissue, however to be protected, you're better of cooking it first. The most straightforward food to prepare is cooked meat, which you can accomplish by lying portions of meat on any open air fire, whether one you've fabricated yourself as a feature of your base or one that you've run over while investigating. On account of straightforward open air fires being not difficult to create, you can quite often prepare food on the off chance that you're adhered some place with next to zero assets available to you.

Children of the Timberland Food and Preparing Guide - How to Fabricate a Fire
You can fabricate an open air fire with just two sticks and a few leaves, however you can develop fancier flames in the event that you anticipate staying close by in one spot for some time. More intricate development requires additional assets, similar to rocks to build, yet until further notice, you can adhere to these guidelines to construct an essential variant:

Assemble no less than two sticks and two leaves
Prepare your sticks
Check out at a reasonable spot on the ground
Passed on snap to break two or three sticks into a heap on the ground
Hold E to utilize your lighter and a few lives to get the fire moving
When your fire is ready, you can hold E while taking a gander at it to track down a determination of things to put on the fire. You can put on additional passes on to move the fire along or set out any bits of meat you need to cook them.

Children of the Backwoods Food and Preparing Guide - How to Cook Meat
While taking a gander at a got fire going, hold E to open the fire menu
Select Your Bits of meat
Press G to close the fire menu
Trust that your meat will change tone
Tap E on cooked meat to get it. Hold E on cooked meat to promptly eat it.
Children of the Backwoods Food and Preparing Guide - Other Food Arrangements
As well as broiling your meat over an open fire, you can likewise choose for transform it into jerky. This food item is perfect assuming you mean on long haul stockpiling for your food, which you presumably ought to anticipate doing if you have any desire to live extremely lengthy. To do this, you'll have to fabricate a drying rack, which you can find on page 7 of the furniture segment of the aide, and expects you to assemble 13 sticks. When it's finished, you can hold E while taking a gander at the rack, and put any meat you have on you onto the rack to dry. The cycle takes a long time, yet when done the food never appears to go off.

Best Food sources in Children of the Timberland
At the point when you begin in the game, you'll be restricted to a couple of key food sources; all things considered, there are unquestionably a terrible choices that should be stayed away from. The following is a rundown of a portion of the top food varieties you ought to attempt to get your hands on right off the bat and a few subtleties on how you get them. We'll grow the rundown as we find considerably more food things on the planet, so ensure you inquire frequently.