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Pink Sapphire Gemstone: A Comprehensive Guide

Published May 9, 2023, 5:42 a.m.

Pink sapphire is a fascinating gemstone that has recently gained popularity due to its stunning color and unique properties. In this guide, we will explore everything you need to know about pink sapphire, from its origins and characteristics to its uses and value.

1. What is Pink Sapphire?

  1. Sapphire is a precious gemstone that belongs to the corundum mineral family. While sapphires are typically known for their blue color, they can occur in various other hues, including pink. Pink sapphire is a variant of corundum that has a pink coloration, which is caused by the presence of trace elements such as chromium, iron, or titanium.
    1. Pink sapphire is a rare and valuable gemstone that is highly prized for its color and durability. It is often used in jewelry, especially in engagement rings, due to its romantic and feminine appeal.

      Origins and Characteristics of Pink Sapphire

      Pink sapphire can be found in various locations worldwide, including Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania, Myanmar, and Australia. The quality and value of pink sapphire can vary based on its origin, color, clarity, and carat weight.

      The most sought-after pink sapphires have a vibrant and saturated pink hue, with excellent transparency and minimal inclusions. They are typically cut in a variety of shapes and sizes, such as round, oval, cushion, and pear.

      Pink sapphire has a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale, making it one of the hardest gemstones and ideal for daily wear. It is also resistant to scratches, chipping, and heat, making it a durable and long-lasting choice for jewelry.

      Types of Pink Sapphire

      There are several types of pink sapphire, each with its unique characteristics and value:

    • Padparadscha: Padparadscha is a rare and highly valuable type of pink sapphire that has a pinkish-orange hue. It is named after the lotus blossom, which has a similar color. Padparadscha is mostly found in Sri Lanka and is considered one of the rarest gemstones in the world.
    • Star Sapphire: Star sapphire is a type of sapphire that exhibits a star-shaped phenomenon called asterism. When a star sapphire is cut into a cabochon shape, it displays a six-rayed star pattern that moves with the light. Star sapphire can occur in various colors, including pink.
    • Bi-color Sapphire: Bi-color sapphire is a type of sapphire that has two or more distinct colors, such as pink and blue or pink and yellow. Bi-color sapphire is a unique and sought-after gemstone that is popular for its color contrast and visual interest.

4. Pink Sapphire vs. Ruby: What's the Difference?

Pink sapphire and ruby are both varieties of corundum and have many similarities. The main difference between them is their color. Ruby is typically known for its rich red color, while pink sapphire has a pink hue.

Pink sapphire is also more affordable than ruby, as it is not as rare and valuable. However, high However, high-quality pink sapphires can still command a significant price due to their rarity and unique color.

How to Choose a Pink Sapphire

When choosing a pink sapphire, it is essential to consider the following factors:

  • Color: The most crucial factor in determining the value of a pink sapphire is its color. The ideal pink sapphire has a vivid and intense pink hue, with minimal brown or gray overtones.
  • Clarity: Pink sapphires with few inclusions are more valuable than those with visible flaws or blemishes.
  • Cut: The cut of a pink sapphire can affect its brilliance, fire, and overall appearance. A well-cut pink sapphire will exhibit excellent symmetry, proportions, and polish.
  • Carat Weight: Pink sapphires come in a range of sizes, from small accent stones to large center stones. The price of a pink sapphire increases exponentially with its carat weight.

6. Pink Sapphire in Jewelry

  1. Pink sapphire is a popular gemstone for jewelry, especially for engagement rings and other romantic occasions. Its soft, feminine hue and durability make it an ideal choice for daily wear.

    Pink sapphire is often used in combination with other gemstones, such as diamonds, to create unique and striking designs. It can be set in a variety of metals, including white gold, yellow gold, and platinum.

    Caring for Your Pink Sapphire

    Pink sapphire is a durable and long-lasting gemstone that requires minimal care. To keep your pink sapphire looking its best, follow these tips:

    • Clean your pink sapphire regularly with a soft, damp cloth.
    • Avoid exposing your pink sapphire to harsh chemicals or high temperatures.
    • Store your pink sapphire jewelry separately from other jewelry to prevent scratches and damage.

8. Investing in Pink Sapphire

  1. Pink sapphire can be a wise investment choice, especially for high-quality stones with excellent color, clarity, and cut. Like other gemstones, the value of pink sapphire can fluctuate based on market demand, availability, and other factors.
    1. When investing in pink sapphire, it is essential to work with a reputable dealer who can provide certification and appraisal for your gemstones.

      Pink Sapphire Myths and Legends

      Throughout history, pink sapphire has been associated with various myths and legends. In ancient times, it was believed to protect the wearer from harm and evil spirits. It was also thought to symbolize loyalty, honesty, and sincerity.

      In Hindu mythology, pink sapphire was associated with the goddess Lakshmi, who represented wealth and prosperity. In medieval Europe, pink sapphire was considered a stone of royalty and nobility.

      Famous Pink Sapphires

      There have been several notable pink sapphires throughout history, including:

    • The Logan Sapphire: A 423-carat pink sapphire that is one of the largest and finest in the world.
    • The Pink Star: A 59.60-carat pink sapphire that sold for a record-breaking $71.2 million in 2017.
    • The Rose of Kashmir: A 28.15-carat pink sapphire that is renowned for its exceptional clarity and velvety texture.

11. Pink Sapphire in Pop Culture

  1. Pink sapphire has been featured in several movies, TV shows, and other media, including:

    • Titanic: In the movie Titanic, Rose wears a Heart of the Ocean necklace that features a large blue sapphire surrounded by smaller pink sapphires.
    • Pretty in Pink: In the movie Pretty in Pink, Andie wears a pink sapphire and diamond ring that becomes a symbol of her independence and strength.
    • Sailor Moon: In the anime and manga series Sailor Moonthe character Sailor Moon's tiara features a pink sapphire in the center.


      Pink sapphire is a beautiful and versatile gemstone that has been prized for its unique color and properties for centuries. Whether you are looking for a stunning piece of jewelry or a valuable investment, a high-quality pink sapphire is an excellent choice.

      When choosing a pink sapphire, remember to consider its color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. And to keep your pink sapphire looking its best, follow these simple care tips.

      So why not add a touch of pink to your jewelry collection with a stunning pink sapphire today?


      1. What is the meaning of pink sapphire? Pink sapphire is believed to symbolize love, loyalty, honesty, and prosperity.

    • Is pink sapphire rare? Yes, pink sapphire is rarer than blue sapphire and is highly valued for its unique color.

    • How is pink sapphire formed? Pink sapphire is formed when corundum is exposed to trace elements of chromium, iron, or titanium during its formation.

    • Can pink sapphire be worn daily? Yes, pink sapphire is durable enough to be worn daily and is a popular choice for engagement rings and other jewelry.

    • How do I care for my pink sapphire jewelry? To keep your pink sapphire jewelry looking its best, clean it regularly with a soft, damp cloth, and store it separately from other jewelry to prevent scratches and damage.