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February 13, 2017: 4-odd

Published Feb. 13, 2017, 5:46 p.m.

Students continue to share their "meaningful thoughts" at the beginning of class. For many, this routine has become automatic, and they know that readers are also thinkers. Some students are working on extending their thoughts outward, from characters or events in the book to larger, more universal ideas or themes.

We read an interesting book about vaccines, and used it to practice thinking about an author's larger idea or message. Students worked in pairs to discuss and answer questions related to their understanding of the text.

We did some work on fluency which involved recognizing a word's parts and reading them quickly and accurately.

We read another book, called King Arthur: Real Person or Strictly Legend?. We talked about how the structure of a text can be related to the author's message. In this case, the author presents information about the stories told about King Arthur as well as evidence about the real Arthur, helping us to think about how and why legends grow from real people and events. Students read and discussed this book in partnerships. This arrangement requires students to be accountable in their reading and their thinking.

We did some more work on fluency, this time practicing using punctuation marks (periods, commas, and dashes) to guide both expression and comprehension.

During IR+ days, students updated their reading list, reflected on current goals and/or explored new books.