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Which type of shaver is more suitable for sensitive skin?

Published March 29, 2024, 4:33 a.m.

Shaving with sensitive skin can be a nightmare as well as a tasking endeavor. It tends to cause razor burns, rashes, and ingrown hairs. It is a tedious process that leaves you with plenty of unwanted side effects. Fortunately, applying the proper cutting tools and techniques allows you to achieve a nice and sober haircut even with the most sensitive skin.

Foil Shavers

People suffering from sensitive skin are often prescribed foil shaver, which are a less aggressive alternative to regular razors. These electric shavers have a thin, curved foil that lifts and cuts the hair just before it hits your skin, minimizing the chances of razor burn and irritation. The foil serves as a shield, allowing for close passage of the razor blades to the skin without irritating. The resulting shave is nicer and smoother compared to that shaven directly.

Moreover, a few foil shavers are made with non-allergenic materials, which lowers the chances of the person getting bad reactions or skin irritation. These scans, particularly, are well-proven for sensitive skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis, as they provide gentle yet effective grooming.

Rotary Shavers

Another of the most-liked appliances for people with sensitive skin is the rotatory one. Shavers are equipped with rotating heads designed to gently remove hairs, significantly lowering the risk of skin irritation and ingrown hair formation. It is common to say that rotary shavers can work around the contours of your face and neck, so a close and comfortable shave can be achieved in the process.

Most modern rotary shavers these days are designed to incorporate high-tech features, including, amongst others, flexible heads and precision trimmers. Thanks to these structures, the products are fit for any grooming purpose. These shavers are preferred for those with areas that can be injured, such as around the jaw or neck, where regular razors usually irritate the skin.

Electric Shavers

Electric shavers are well-known for their advantages concerning convenience and one-hand operation. They come in two main types: martell and rotary. Plate foil shavers have thin metallic covers made of foil, which glide over the type of skin, whereas rotary shavers have circular blades that move in a circular motion. Among the shavers that those with sensitive skin can use are the ones that provide a smooth shaving experience without directly touching the skin, reducing thus the possibility of skin irritation and razor burn.

Which is More Suitable for Sensitive Skin?

It is an electric shaver, not a manual one, preferred by sensitive skin users. The circular action of their shaving heads and minimal friction with the skin strongly contribute to the eliminated risk of irritation and razor burns, which is great for people with sensitive skin. Besides, electric shavers are frequently coupled with options like different adjustable settings and built-in lubricating systems. As a result, it allows one to customize and have a good shaving experience.


Choosing a shaver for sensitive skin that is topical, comfortable, and tender is key. The risk of being irritated is higher when using a manual razor. However, manually shaved skin of people with sensitive skin is more prone to irritation. Likewise, other electric shavers like Yoose offer a softer and easier shave that people with sensitive skin prefer. With the electric shaver that pays attention to sensitivity, you experience a sharp and comfortable grooming session without any fear of razor burn.