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The Art of Pairing : Drinks to Complement Your Online Sushi Order

Published Dec. 7, 2023, 2:42 p.m.

Any sushi lover knows that while the dish is outstanding on its own, the right drink can elevate the experience. But what's the best drink to pair with your salmon sashimi in Hong Kong?

1. Sake:

Sake is the quintessential Japanese rice wine and a classic accompaniment to sushi. Its subtle flavor complements the fish without overpowering it. Whether you prefer your drink hot or cold, sake is always a good choice.

2. Green tea:

For a non-alcoholic option, green tea pairs perfectly with sushi. The slightly bitter, earthy flavor of the tea cleanses the palate between different pieces of sushi, making each bite more delicious.

3. White wine:

Light and refreshing white wines, especially those with citrus flavors, are great with sushi. Varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio can complement the delicate flavor of the fish.

4. Beer:

Light beer can be a refreshing accompaniment to sushi, especially spicy rolls. The carbonation and crispness of the beer offset the richness of the sushi.

5. Champagne or sparkling wine:

The effervescence of the sparkling wine contrasts pleasantly with the smooth texture of the sushi, making for an elegant pairing.

6. Japanese Whiskey:

For those looking for a stronger drink, Japanese whiskey, known for its smooth finish, may be an exciting choice. They go especially well with plump fish or rich, flavorful rolls.

7. Cocktails:

If you're feeling adventurous, pair your sushi with a cocktail like a martini or light gin. Just make sure the cocktail isn't too strong.

8. Water:

Finally, when in doubt, water is always a safe choice. It cleanses the taste buds and allows the true flavor of the sushi to shine through.

Essentially, the drink you choose to pair with your sushi can profoundly impact your dining experience. Online sushi delivery platforms in Hong Kong often offer drink pairings, so whipping up the perfect sushi meal is easier than ever.