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Landlord Requirements for ESA Letters- Complete Guide

Published May 1, 2023, 4:54 a.m.

If you are living with an emotional or mental health condition and require the support of an emotional support animal (ESA), you may be wondering what the landlord requirements are for ESA letters. In this article, we will explore the legal aspects of ESA letters, the specific requirements of landlords, and the process of obtaining an ESA letter for housing.

Legitimate ESA Letters

To ensure that your ESA letter is legitimate, it is important to obtain it from a licensed mental health professional who has evaluated you and determined that you have a mental or emotional disability that needs the support of an emotional support animal. The mental health professional must be licensed in the state where they practice, and the ESA letter must include the following information:

  • The mental health professional's license number and the date it was issued
  • The type of mental or emotional disability you have
  • How the animal will help alleviate symptoms or effects of the disability
  • The type of animal you have, and its breed and weight (if applicable)

Landlord Requirements

Under the FHA, landlords are required to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, including those who require the support of an emotional support animal. This means that landlords cannot discriminate against tenants with ESAs, and they cannot charge additional pet fees or deposits for them.

However, landlords can require certain documentation to verify the legitimacy of the ESA letter, such as:

  • The mental health professional's contact information for verification
  • Proof that the mental health professional is licensed in the state where they practice
  • Proof that the tenant has a disability that needs the support of an ESA
  • Proof that the animal is trained or well-behaved

It is important to note that landlords cannot require additional information beyond what is necessary to verify the legitimacy of the ESA letter, nor can they deny reasonable accommodations based on breed or size restrictions.

Process of Obtaining an ESA Letter for Housing legit

To obtain a letter of ESA for housing, you must first be evaluated by a licensed mental health professional who can determine if you have a mental or emotional disability that needs the support of an emotional support animal. You can then request an ESA letter from the mental health professional, which should include all the necessary information as outlined above.

Once you have your ESA letter, you can present it to your landlord to request reasonable accommodations. It is important to provide the necessary documentation to verify the legitimacy of the ESA letter, and to be respectful of your landlord's requests for additional information.


Obtaining the letter of ESA for housing can be a complicated process, but it is important for individuals with mental or emotional disabilities who require the support of an emotional support animal. This is where a Psychiatric Service Dog Certification can be beneficial as it recognizes the specific needs of individuals with psychiatric disabilities. It is essential to understand the legal aspects of ESA letters and the specific requirements of landlords to ensure that you are able to live with your ESA in peace and comfort. Landlord Emotional Support Animal Letter is another crucial document that helps establish the need for an ESA in housing.

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