Assignment Details
M/W 3rd Period
2nd Semester
Date Due
March 29, 2018
Additional Info
1. A. Read pages 162-165
B. Do section Review questions 1,2,4
2. A. In your opinion rank the six risk factors for violence. One being the highest and six being the lowest.
B. From your top three, cite three examples for each.
3. A. Do you think that violent or racist song lyrics should be censored? If yes, give two reasons.
B. What connection, if any, do you think there is between music and violence? If no or yes, cite two examples.
4. A. What two statistics pop out and why from the following link: https://everytownresearch.org/gun-violence-by-the-numbers/
B. Answer the questions with following link?
1.Which states have the highest and lowest gun death rates?
2.What are possible factors that might contribute to these high and low rates?
3. The national gun death rate average is 10.54 per 100,000 people. Find three states that fall above and below this average.
4. Are there states that fall below the average national gun death rate but also receive a low gun control grade (below C)? What might account for a low gun death rate despite looser gun laws?
5. What's the gun death rate and total number of gun deaths in your state? Is that higher or lower than you expected? How does it compare to rates in neighboring states?
6. Identify two states with very different gun control grades (i.e.: an A- and an F). Go online to look up and compare both of these states gun control laws. What are the biggest differences?