Assignment Details
Yearbook Touchup
Date Due
Feb. 12, 2020
Additional Info
Here lies a list of pages that NEED to be touched up/fixed or replaced by Wednesday (Feb. 12, 2020). Spell check and Facial recognition for all pages. A reminder that no phones should be used for anything in class. The phone will be taken and the charge of $25 will be the fine.
You will find your name next to the event. When your page is completed call Mr. S. for final clearance.
1. BOTC (Aliyah and Andrea)
-Summary of the event
-4th place medal pg. 16
-Captions needed on pg.15
-NEED one Volleyball picture pg.15
-Balance/Straighten pictures pg.15
-Need the creative writing class summary
2. WAU/College Ex. pg. 8-9 (Christy and Marcus)
-Leadership Spotlight Article
-Summary for College Fair and Expo
3. Europe Trip pg. 11 (Kalayah)
-Place names in the summary
-Take student names out of the captions.
-Might need another picture, but a scenic shot in the bottom right corner.
4. Boys Lockin (Austin and Zack)
-Summary of the event
5. Girls Lockin (Gabby)
-Summary of the event
-NEED one picture (ask and search for one)
-Need captions
6. Week of Prayer (Gabby)
-Take out last names in the captions
-Fix Matthew and Onesty caption titles
7. New Talent (Austin and Lilianna)
-Fix/adjust Captions
8. Academy Day (Austin and Lilianna)
-Summary is needed
-Captions are needed
-Picture of SA President for the quote
-Adjust/Fix title
9.Puzzle Page pg. 47-48 (Kalayah)
-Need riddles/questions with picture of the person's answer
-Comic strip (Lilianna)
10. Art Expo pg. 61-62 (Zack and Joy-Ann)
-Align Pictures
-Summary needed
11. GNYA Flashback pg. 54-55 (Euthyona)
-Old Pics and Retakes
12. Enrichment Week pg. 67-70 (Kalayah and Michealla)
-Need summary
-Need captions
-Need pictures
13. Picture Day
-Need Summary (Daniella H.)
14. Teacher/Class life pg. 77-85 (Zack and Joy-Ann)
-Need Pictures of teachers teaching or in teaching moments
15. First Day/Orientation (Marcus, Christy, and Euthonya)
-Need summary
-Need captions
16. Registration (Marcus, Christy, and Euthonya)
-Need summary
-Need captions
-Alignment of pictures
17. Spanish Chapel (Andrea)
-Need summary