Test Details

What is the Truth...?


3rd Period Mon. & Wed.


Dec. 2, 2019

Additional Info
Write down the answer(s) that the movie and Bible for each question.
1.) Why did the king of Egypt put the children of Israel into bondage?

2.) Which line of Israel's family bore Moses?

3.) Who adopted Moses?

4.) Why did Moses kill the Egyptian?

5.) To where did Moses flee from being punished for killing the Egyptian?

6.) Who was Moses' wife?

7.) What did God tell Moses to do before approaching the burning bush?

8.) What was Moses' concern about his ability to lead the children of Israel?

9.) God gave several signs to prove to the elders of Israel.  What were those signs?

10.) Who was to be Moses' spokesperson?

11.)What did Aaron turn his rod into?

12.) Which plagues did the Lord NOT inflict on the Israelites?

13.) What did the children of Israel do to protect their firstborn sons from being killed in the Lord's last plague on Egypt?

14.) What food items were included in the Passover feast?

15.) The Lord showed the children of Israel which way to travel in the wilderness by using:

16.) Through which body of water did the children of Israel pass safely?