Test Details

Chapter 21 & 22




Feb. 17, 2017

Additional Info
Write short answer
1. A common viral infection of the upper respiratory system.
2. An illness that passes from one organism to another.
3. Smallest pathogen.
4. Women-symptoms, they are often mild and can be mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection.
5.The yellowing of the skin.
6.Insects and mites that infest the hair around the genitals.
7. An infection that attacks a person with a weakened immune system.
8.An infection caused by any pathogen that spreads from one person to another during sexual contact.
9. The following symptoms include red rash at the site of the bite, fever, chills, and body aches.
10. Can spread through needle sharing or blood to blood contact.

Write out letter
11. Chancre sores, nonitchy skin rash often appears on the hands and feet.
A. List the symptoms of syphilis
B. List the symptoms of gonorrhea
C. List the symptoms of clamydia
D. List the symptoms of gental herpes

12. A bacterial sexually transmitted infection that infects the urinary tract of males and females and the reproductive organs of females.
A. urethritis
B. gonorrhea
C. chlamydia
D. syphilis

13. Can cause blindness and possibly death
A. Genital herpes on a newborn baby.
B. Gonorrhea
C. Vaginitis
D. Syphilis

14. A very common sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria.
A. Vaginitis
B. Chlamydia
D. Gental herpes

15. When a baby receives antibodies from its mother's breast milk.
A. Passive Immunity
B. Epidemic
C. Active Immunity
D. Antibiotics

List Answers

16. What are four ways that a disease can emerge?(4pts)

17. The "silent" disease is another name for __________.

      The "great imitator" is another name for __________.

18.  What are three ways you can protect yourself from infectious diseases? (3pts)

19.Explain how practicing abstinence, avoiding drugs, and your choices of friends can help you avoid STIs. List at minimum of two points for each. (6pts)