Project Details

People's Planet - One Pager


Social Studies

Date Due

Dec. 15, 2021

Additional Info
SS.6.19. Explain how global changes in population distribution patterns affect changes in land use in particular countries or regions.

A one-pager is a written and graphic interpretation of what you have learned presented on a single sheet of paper (Òone pageÓ). It may be literal (based strictly on the facts presented) or it may be a symbolic representation of the essential question. The one-pager helps you visualize key ideas of instruction.

The worldÕs population has grown exponentially since the early 1800Õs. The current world population is 8 billion people (8,000,000,000).


  1. What historical events impacted the worldÕs population?

  2. How is the worldÕs population distributed?


  • Use a standard size paper (computer/printer paper) OR provided template to answer the essential question

  • Fill the entire page

  • Written work must be in ink or typed

  • Use clip art/markers/colored pencils for illustrations

  • Essential questions should be included somewhere on your page

  • Your analysis should answer the essential questions and be arranged on the page any way you choose