Assignment Details
March 2, 2023. Galaxy Number Article #HW
Date Due
March 7, 2023, 11:59 p.m.
Additional Info
Read the attached article about the number of galaxies in the Universe. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B74YiMmgU_p1R1JLeHhLSmZOUDQ/view?usp=sharing
Take it into Notability and mark it up or breadcrumb it (or highlight) in whatever way works for you to help you understand it.
When you are done reading, complete the attached Google Form. https://forms.gle/rLr9udR4kfvJejXt5
This form will ask you comprehension questions about the article. You will need to GO BACK INTO THE ARTICLE to find the answers. Make sure you find text evidence to support your answer before putting the answer into the form.
This will count as a 3 point assignment. Accuracy in your answers matters in terms of how many points you will receive. There will be a late penalty of 0.5 points if you turn it in late. Forms completed after March 10 will receive no credit.
Attach your marked up copy of the article from Notability to this assignment, and then turn it in.