Assignment Details

B and D Block- Create Data Table(s) for Chemical Reactions Experiment



Date Due

Nov. 3, 2022

Additional Info
You need a place to record information about what is happening in EACH of your reactions. The app will collect everything you need to know about temperature. YOU need to record observations about the bubbles, the fizzing, the foam, the odor, the color, the sound, etc.

1 Person in the group can do it electronically in a google doc. The other must make them in their science notebook. Both people can do it in the science notebook.

Click here for directions on how to make a table in a google doc: DIRECTIONS. (This was posted for the paper airplane experiment. The titles of your columns/ rows will NOT be about airplanes... it will be about your reactions!)

You will not be able to start your experiment until everyone in your team has data tables.