Assignment Details

Finish Cezanne Copy for HW


Art 7X Mrs P

Date Due

March 24, 2023

Additional Info
Hi Year 7! 

This is a copy of the homework, for those who are completing it for Friday! 
If you’ve already done this, ignore this homework! 

I would like you to complete your Cezanne copy that we have been doing in lessons for homework. If you were absent in the lesson we did this, please comment absent in the folder so I know not to chase you for this homework. But if you would like to do a copy anyway, go for it!

I know that many of you will not have watercolours at home, you are more than welcome to use whatever you have e.g. coloured pencils, to fill in the rest of the colour, depending on how far you got in lessons. Digital images of the still life’s we were using are in folder 6 in Showbie, in the powerpoint, so you don’t need to try and find the printed photo you were using. 

If you have already completed your Cezanne copy, you have no HW! :) 
Please upload it to the Showbie folder (6a) when you are finished.