Assignment Details

Greek Theatre Homework 5


L6 Greek Theatre

Date Due

Oct. 13, 2022

Additional Info
- Read the Prologue of Oedipus the King - pages 159-167.

- In OneNote - Oedipus the King - 03. Comprehension read the notes and answer the comprehension questions and activities.

- Reading (scholarship): This is in the Oedipus the King - 02. Scholarship folder. 
There are three short articles to read. I have also uploaded the extract from Thucydides which features the Athenian plague, to go along with the plague reading (though this is more for your additional interest and if you don't have time, don't worry about reading the Thucydides extract). 
Please highlight any important quotes from the article that you think could be used in an essay and write a short summary (think a sentence or two) of what you have learned from each article.