Assignment Details
Tuesday, May 31st: Life in the Roman Republic #Homework
Social Studies ~ Trowbridge ~ Cluster 2 ~ 2021/2022
Date Due
June 2, 2022, 11:59 p.m.
Additional Info
As we learned last week from the vocabulary, Rome established a Republic. We will learn more about how their Republic ran and the different jobs within the government. As you read, watch, and learn, think about the similarities and differences between their Republic and ours.
1. Watch the Brainpop about the Roman Republic
username = brainpopelem
password = highrock
2. Take the quiz and post your score (your score will be your grade - feel free to take it as many times as you need/want)
3. Read the "Rise of the Republic" summary.
4. Compare the Roman Republic and the government in the United States in the "Comparing Roman Republic and the US government slideshow"
**Do not put the slideshow in Present mode...you will not be able to complete the assignment if you do this**
you can use the other documents in the assignment to help you
IF YOU HAVE TIME...watch the View Pure video which is a Crash Course in the History of the Roman Republic