Assignment Details

Revise 1st Conjugation Verbs and finish unseen


Y10 Latin 2023/24

Date Due

Nov. 15, 2023

Additional Info
Please revise the 1st conjugation verbs for a vocab test on Wednesday. You will be tested on all 4 principal parts and all of the cases that we have so far covered, so make sure you are on top of your verb endings! (You can find a table of these in Section 1 of the Grammar section on oneNote).  

Please also finish Section A of the Daphne and Apollo unseen. If you have already done this, spend 5-10 minutes checking over your work. It is not a long passage and you have all your grammar/vocab resources available, so really ensure that you have got your translation as close to perfect as you can get it. 

Have good weekends, 

Mr Smellie