Lesson Details



Principles of English 1, fall 2014


Oct. 28, 2014

Additional Info
1. Tuesday grammar: identify sentence parts

i must have drunk four cups of cocoa because i was frozen from skating on lake kenton

2. Quick Writes: 90 seconds each

What scares you and why?

What horrifies you and why?

What terrifies you and why?

3. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," said by Franklin D. Roosevelt. 
  • What does this quotation mean? 
  • How might this quotation relate to the action in LotF?
  • Fear is first mentioned in the novel on page 36. How does this fear begin to grip the characters? What is its effect on them?

4. VSauce: Why Are Things Creepy?

5. Fear serves as one of the main catalysts for the "civilization" in LotF to start to dissolve. Fear is the reason the choir boys follow Jack, both at the beginning and after he puts the war paint on. As you read chapters five and six, keep a log of all the ways fear is mentioned and discussed. Who says what? How do different characters react to fear?

6. Reading time. (quiz tomorrow!)