Lesson Details

"Homework Plan" Essay


Principles of English 1, fall 2014


Aug. 8, 2014

Additional Info
Learning Target: Students will write an essay that will serve as an indicator of their current writing level and abilities.

Important Notice!! I put the WRONG web address on your parents' letter. Please note that the address on the syllabus is the correct one. Make a note to yourselves (or write it on the letter if you still have it) that the correct address is teachers.io/moore_mtnview

This assignment will be started in class, typed and printed out, and returned to class on Monday.

I need to get a "baseline" reading on where you all are as writers and communicators. To this end, you will be writing a short essay today (and over the weekend). Your essay will basically be a homework plan for this class. You must address the following questions somewhere/somehow in your essay:
  • Do you consider yourself an organized person? How have you stayed organized in the past?
  • How will you keep track of assignments?
  • When will you study or write?
  • Where will you study or write?
  • What are the greatest distractions (if any) in your home? 
  • What can you do to minimize these distractions?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses as a student?
  •  What can you do to strengthen your weaknesses and capitalize on your existing strengths in order to be successful in this class?

Your plan must be typed (in MLA format, double-spaced and with Times New Roman font). (Please see me if you do not have access to a computer.) You must write in narrative form (from your own perspective and using complete sentences).

Reminder for Monday: If you have a smart phone, tablet, or other device, please bring it with you. We will be going to the library to sign up for various applications we will be using in this class.