Lesson Details

Symbolism & Notes


Principles of English 1, fall 2014


Oct. 20, 2014

Additional Info
1. Monday Grammar: Parts of Speech

yes wally was eager to prove that his dog blue was different from the other hunting dogs

2. Grade Vocab Quizzes in class

3. Reading Quiz on Chapter One: we will take the quiz and then grade it as a class. We will use the grading of the quiz as our discussion of this section of the novel. If there is something you don't understand, this is your chance to talk about it!

4. Symbolism: the essay you will be writing for this novel will deal with Golding's use of symbols to communicate meaning. It is important that you realize that, as humans, we are seekers of meaning; as writers, we are creators of meaning. It is your job, as a seeker, to figure out what Golding, as a creator, is trying to tell you. Think of a novel (or any piece of writing) as the liaison for a conversation between you and the author. What is he trying to tell you? Ask questions. Make observations. Give your opinion. TALK BACK to him.

5. Note-taking: The way to be successful in reading and writing about what you've read is to take good, consistent notes.
  • post-it notes
  • paper strips
  • visual charts