Lesson Details

Let's Get Signed Up!


Freshman Literature, Fall 2014


Aug. 11, 2014

Additional Info

Learning Target: Students will recall and demonstrate the basics of creating and sharing a document in Google Drive. Also, students will sign up for the various online applications that will be used for this class.

After attendance is taken, the class will be going to the library computer lab. Please review the following expectations for when we leave the classroom:

  • Students will be respectful of all classes that are in session, including if there is another class sharing the library computers with us.
  • Students will stay close together, as a group.
  • Phones, if you've brought them, are to be used ONLY for educational purposes.

Once we are in the library, please seat yourself at your assigned computer and wait quietly for further instructions.

Please click here to get started. 


  1. email and Google Drive tutorial
  2. turnitin.com sign up
  3. remind.com sign up
  4. teachers.io tutorial
  5. myhomework app download & sign up
