Lesson Details

R&J: finish Act II


Freshman Literature, Fall 2014


Nov. 4, 2014

Additional Info

1. Literary term #33: formal tone

A formal tone in writing is taken when dealing with professional or academic subjects. Formal tone is defined by the use of longer sentences, more complex vocabulary, 3rd-person pronouns, no contractions, and objectivity, among other things.

2. Allusion #33: Nike

Now the name of a popular sportswear company, Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victory. (Roman equivalent = Victoria) She was known for riding around in a chariot during the Titan War and rewarding the victors of battles with glory and fame, symbolized by placing a laurel wreath on their heads.

3. Act II, scene v & Act II, scene vi. Start on page 837.

4. Read "A Closer Look" on page 842

5. Answer questions 8-11 on page 843