Lesson Details

A CRAZY good story!


Freshman Literature, Fall 2014


Dec. 11, 2014

Additional Info
1. Quiz a neighbor on terms and allusions 26-30

2. We will finish reading "Charles" and discuss the major literary technique(s) used. 
On the back of the story, please answer the following questions on your own:
  • What is the theme of this story?
  • What in the story led you to that theme?
  • What principal literary technique was used by Jackson in this story to lead you to the theme?

3. I will read "Man From the South" out loud. As I read please make note of how Roald Dahl characterizes people in this story (in addition to your normal annotations):
Who is…..
old? young? How do the older people act? How do the younger people act?

English? American? Jamaican? How do each of these nationalities act?

given a name? not given a name? Is there a reason we are not told some people's names?

This story should take two days to read. I am expecting by now that you will be doing a lot of writing (i.e. annotating) on your own, without prompting from me. Although this is an enjoyable and engaging story, remember that we are reading this story in order to gain a better understanding of the craft of writing and, in a larger sense, communication. Always ask yourself, "What is Dahl trying to tell me? What does he want me to know? What is he doing in order to communicate those things to me?"