Lesson Details

Sonnet Work Time


Freshman Literature, Fall 2014


Oct. 17, 2014

Additional Info
Literary Term #26: 3rd-person Limited Point of View
This method of telling a story allows the narrator to tell the story through the perspective of one single character. This allows more freedom to the writer because she can write about that character's true intentions, but it limits the writer too because she can only describe other characters externally. 

Allusion #26: "The Road to Hell is Paved With Good Intentions"

In 1150, Bernard of Clairvaux claimed that Hell is full of good wishes and desires, meaning that the things a person actually did do not necessarily reflect what he or she meant, or intended, to do. English writer Samuel Johnson is most often credited with using this exact phrase; although, he was simply building on what others had said before himPut simply, it could also mean that good ideas or thoughts can lead to negative consequences that were unintended. A person begins with good thoughts, promising to themselves to do the right thing, however, priorities in life change, time becomes a limiting factor, and alas, the good intentions go astray.

You will have today to work on your original sonnets. If you are having trouble, feel free to conference with me. I know this is a difficult task, and I will help you if I can.