Lesson Details

Essay Rough Draft


Freshman Literature, Fall 2014


Sept. 30, 2014

Additional Info
Literary Term #21: Denotation
This is a word's literal, dictionary definition. A word's denotative meaning is explicit and direct; there is no emotion or symbolism. 

Allusion #21: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
This common phrase that means we should leave something alone if it isn't currently causing any trouble alludes to a novel by Charles Dickens, called David Copperfield. But even a couple hundred years earlier than that, Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales writes, "It is not good a sleeping hound to wake."  So Dickens was alluding to Chaucer, and we allude to Dickens. It's like allusion Inception

Independent Reading Books:
This Friday, in class, you will be writing a short essay about the book you chose to read this quarter. (If you are still reading, I would suggest doing a lot of bedtime reading this week!) I will be giving you a prompt, and you will have the entire period to respond. If you take notes (separate piece of paper, notes in margin, post-it notes, etc.) you can use those while writing your essay. I will come around and check your notes to make sure they are not plagiarized while you are writing. You MUST bring your independent reading book with you to class on Friday. You have to have your book because you will be required to provide direct evidence (in the form of quotations, paraphrases, and summaries) in your essay response. If you do not have your book, you will lose all points from providing that direct evidence.
Essay Hint: The Hero's Journey Stages

You will have the remainder of class to start writing your essay rough draft. You MUST bring a completed rough draft with you to class tomorrow. (You will be back in your hero groups for peer revision.)

Homework: Complete your rough draft. Your rough draft, in order to receive full completion credit, must have an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.