Lesson Details


Academic Year 2017/18

Computer Applications 1st Period Tue/Thu/FriB


Nov. 28, 2017

Additional Info
The order of the debate will be as follows:

Group A Vs Group D (8 mins)
Group C Vs Group B ( 8 Mins)
Group E vs Group A (8 mins)

Group B Vs. Group A (10 mins)
Group D vs Group E (10 mins)
Group C vs Group D (10 mins)

Each group must have opening arguments and rebuttals. all Members of each group will speak. 
Speaker #1 - Introduction (1 mins)
Speaker #2 - Rebuttal #1 (3 mins)
Speaker #3 - Rebuttal #2 (3 mins)
Speaker #4 - Closing Arugments (1 mins)

Points will be deducted if time is exceeded if any group who is not participating disturbs the debate in anyway point will be deducted from the entire group. 

Your group must present facts and studies on why your operating system is better than your opponents.