Assignment Details

Tuesday P3/4 Cover


11D Geography MAB

Date Due

Jan. 21, 2025

Additional Info
Morning All,
Apologies I'm away today - I will give back your papers and results on Friday. Please work your way through the activities below during today's lesson - we will be starting our final topic: Globalisation and Migration:
  • Take a textbook each from the bookshelf at the front of the room in the corner
  • Turn to page 214
  • Make notes on the following on the blank OneNote page distributed:
  1. The Nature of Globalisation including this definition: 'it is the process by which the countries of the world are being gradually drawn together into a single global economy'. Take a picture of Figure 8.1, add it to your notes and write a short summary about what it is showing. Please also include the interdependence definition on page 215 in the did you know box
  2. Causes of Globalisation: make notes on the 4 significant developments - the 4 'T's: TNCs, Trading Blocs, Transport, Technology
  3. The Workings of the Global Economy: make notes on the 4 different flows of today's economy: trade, aid, foreign investment, labour, information - include a picture of figure 8.2 - the production chain of a pair of jeans and explain using the paragraph below figure 8.2 to help - complete the activity box on page 215
  4. Other evidence of the workings of the global economy on p216: make notes on call centres, outsourcing, global shift, economic migrants and tourists
  5. Activity Box page 216 - research an answer to this question
  6. Logos Quiz
  7. Choose a TNC such as McDonalds - research where it was founded and how it has grown into a multinational corporation. Why has is been successful? 
Complete all this work on the OneNote 'The Rise of the Global Economy'