Assignment Details
GeoChallenges #1-5 (#HW)
Social Studies - Dunleavy 23-24
Date Due
Sept. 15, 2023, 11:59 p.m.
Additional Info
Hey wonderful social studies students!
This is an assignment that we will do together in class on Monday 9/11.
GeoChallenges are geography-based questions that we use maps and charts to answer. In school, we will do 5 GeoChallenge Questions per week. I will post 5 new Geos at the beginning of each week with images of maps or charts that are numbered by Geo. You will most likely need to zoom in on them to find the answer.
You will record your answers on the attached Google Doc, and click submit when you're done. Make sure to turn in your answers for credit!
GeoChallenges are always due by FRIDAY of that same week.