Assignment Details

Athens/Sparta Recruitment Brochure (#HW)


Social Studies - Ms. Dunleavy

Date Due

May 2, 2023, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

You will be creating a persuasive trifold brochure recruiting other Greeks to move to your city-state (either Athens or Sparta).  *** Be persuasive - make YOUR city-state sound great, and make the other seem bad! Categories you could include: Geography, Education, Military, Daily life, Government, Women's Rights and MORE!! Project Checklist: Working Alone: must have at least 3 main categories/persuasive arguments. Partners: must have at least 4 main categories/persuasive arguments. Title page - clearly shows the city-state of your choice. Must include a paragraph (on the back page) explaining why knowledge or strength is better than the other, depending on what city-state you chose. Every section of the brochure needs to have something (no blank pages), and be a good combination of both words AND visuals. Brochure should be colorful, neat, and organized. Brochures are due on Tuesday, May 2nd! - You will be giving a short 1 minute presentation in class on Tuesday. ***When you are done with your brochure, take pictures to show ALL sides of your brochure and turn in here (open it up, and take a picture of both sides)