Assignment Details
Mock revision
Date Due
Dec. 7, 2023
Additional Info
Please use your homework this week to revise for the English mock exams. The revision list is available so please have a look and choose an area to study.
It can be helpful to track the development of a character, theme or, if language, the extract from beginning (how is the character/theme established? What are our first impressions?), then how are they developed, looking for key shifts and significant moments and how are they concluded, what is the lasting impact of your topic?
Remember, too, to consider the writer’s purpose for each area, ensuring you can answer What? How? And Why? Whose voice and perspective do we get?
Make sure too that you prepare three areas of context for each of your Literature topics. For Language, you need to know genre, audience and purpose for each extract.
Remember that there are detailed explanations for each of your exams on One Note under Important documents.
I will be interested to find out which area you have chosen to revise this week. Hope it goes well. Mrs Cowie