Assignment Details

Cover lesson Fri 3 May


Art 9A Mrs Burrett


May 3, 2024, noon

Additional Info

Look at PPP7 the one about Zaha Hadid,in the Architecture folder on Showbie. You have completed the written work for this and now need to complete the drawing task (slide 13). Hadid produced beautiful and detailed paintings of her designs and buildings. Research​

some more of her paintings on Google and draw either your favourite painting OR draw your favourite building.​ You can focus on a smaller section of a building or painting if this is more manageable as they are quite complicated.​

Your choice of black and white or colour, whichever is more appropriate.

Work on A4 paper and write your name and class on the back. We can use this drawing later for the front cover of your concertina book.

If you finish, practice a range of lettering styles for the word 'Architecture'. Sketch out some different ideas and create a final version on A4 paper. This can become your title for your concertina book.