Assignment Details

(READ CAREFULLY) Final Mythology Project #HW



Date Due

March 28, 2024, 5 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

1. Make sure your final video has a title slide that includes the name of your myth AND all group members.  2. LISTEN TO THE VIDEO WITH HEADPHONES ON! It should be one steady volume throughout the video. If it is not, you can edit this in imovie.  Once you've done the above, complete the following steps in order: 1. Export your imovie to your camera roll (high resolution will make it look the best!) 2. Add the video from your camera roll into Google Drive.  3. Once the video has uploaded to Google Drive, share it with me! Your video is not turned in until it is shared with me.  Videos shared with me AFTER 3:00PM are LATE and groups will LOSE POINTS! Please be on time!