Assignment Details

Finish your Persuasive Essay Research! #HW


ELA 2021-2022

Date Due

April 24, 2022, 9 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

For your persuasive essay, you should have a minimum of THREE sources with a minimum of THREE notes per source! We are going to start writing the essay the day you get back from break, so your research needs to be complete by then. If you do not finish your research in class on Wednesday (April 13th), you will have to finish it sometime before Monday, April 25th. Remember that you should have a clear stance on your topic -- what are you arguing in favor of? You should be taking notes on NoodleTools using the notecard tool. Please reference the picture attached if you are confused by the NoodleTools notecard tool.  The best notes for this kind of essay are quotes from experts (Doctors, coaches, teachers, associations, etc.) and statistics (anything with numbers). Please try to paraphrase (put into your own words) the notes you are taking. You should have a minimum of three sources and a minimum of 3-5 notes per source. Be sure to cite all sources in Noodle Tools!  There is nothing you need to attach to this assignment. It is just a reminder to ensure you keep up with your research and are prepared to start the essay! Please email me if you have any questions.