Assignment Details

Mini-Project: Book Review (Due TONIGHT) #HW


ELA 2021-2022

Date Due

June 7, 2022, 9 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

This mini-project (15 points, weighted twice) is to be completed as a group. One person will need to MAKE A COPY and give editing access to all group members.  Please see the rubric attached to ensure that you have all of the requirements. We will be presenting these projects in class WEDNESDAY, but you must submit your finished slideshow TOMORROW EVENING.  FAQ: Do I have to do this with my group or can I do it alone?  Answer: You have to complete this as a group. There will be a separate mini-project for you to do independently.  Can we divide and conquer? Answer: Yes! I recommend you assign each person a slide to cut down on work time.  Can we turn this in for a late grade?  Answer: No, you may not turn this in late. These are being presented Wednesday. Will we have Cluster Time to work on this? Answer: No, but you will have all of class tomorrow to work on this. Do we have to use your template, or can we make our own?  Answer: You can make your own, but if you make your own template, be cautious of forgetting  information/slides! Do we all have to present this, or can it just be 1-2 people?  Answer: You all need to present it. Give everyone something to say!