Assignment Details

Figurative Language Poem (due tonight!) #HW


ELA 2021-2022

Date Due

Dec. 14, 2021, 9 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

Please work on this in class today. If you do not finish, it is homework (due tonight!).  Directions: Write a poem on a topic of your choice that demonstrates your understanding of figurative language. Your poem must . . .  Incorporate an example of personification or hyperbole, as well as alliteration. Examples of personification/hyperbole should be underlined. Be at least 8 lines long. Have correct spelling and grammar. When you are done writing your poem, you must write a brief reflection that tells me . . . .  Which type of figurative language you incorporated (hyperbole or personification). What the definition of that type of figurative language is. How does the figurative language enhance your poem? (think: what does it help the reader to visualize?) All work can be done right on this doc!