Assignment Details

NEA - Client Questionnaire and Focus Group


Y12 PD

Date Due

Feb. 23, 2024

Additional Info
Please submit your client questionnaire and focus group pages for assessment. 

Client questionnaire
Think about who your client is and what information you need to collect from them, what is it that you need to find out from them? You could consider questions that would fall under ACCESS FM. Aim for around 15 questions collecting a range of information which focus upon different aspects of the product that you are designing. Test the questionnaire out on someone before you send it out to ensure that they answer it the right way and that nothing is confusing to answer. 

You could use multiple choice, image based questions or longer responses which require the client to share their opinions. 

Display your results in a clear way that best shows your findings, you should use excel graphs and charts. You need to provide analysis of each question. It would be lovely to see you sketch ideas on this page of ideas that you now have in response to the feedback.

Focus Group- host a focus group in the DT workshop/somewhere appropriate in school. Think about what you need to ready before the group starts, what samples do you want to show, do you have any quick model ideas you need to test initially. Do you need any supporting images to exp,Ian your thought process so far. You will need to ask permission for the focus group to have their photograph taken. You could appoint a note taker, someone who sits on the sideline taking notes for you so that you can really prob the group to find out the details that you need. As your group to produce sketches of their ideas, you may need to provide pencils and paper accordingly. You will need to provide an analysis at the end and a potential sketch of what you are thinking. 

See if you can organise this focus session during the last week of term or the first week back after the holiday. 🤩