Assignment Details

Tuesday 1/30 Work #HW



Date Due

Jan. 31, 2024, 7:25 a.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

There are two things you need to complete before turning in this assignment.  Please be sure to read the directions for each assignment before pressing the turn in button. 1) Watch the Edpuzzle - Introduction to Inequalities - we will be working on inequalities later this week.  This gives a good preview. 2) Complete the Pixel Art Review - You need to show your work, but may use either scrap paper or a blank note in notability.  There is not a specific work paper for this assignment as I was not in the building to make copies.  Please attach your work when you are done!  Use your math notebook to help if you are stuck, this should be done independently.  If you complete both of these you can go on the Pre-Algebra Choice Board.
Edpuzzle - Introduction to Inequalities
Pixel Art Review