Assignment Details

Stopping Distances Worksheet

Year 2023-24

9A3-Physics - (tu)

Date Due

Jan. 29, 2024, 8 a.m.

Additional Info
Good Evening girls,

Apologies for the delay in posting this (I set the incorrect release date on the homework, and only spotted it this afternoon - In return, where normally I would give a couple of evenings to get the work done, I have set the deadline to just have this done for the start of next week - but I would like it done by the deadline set so that I can take a look before parents evening please)

On OneNote;
Topic 02 > Lesson 08 - Braking Distances
  • 1 - stopping and starting sheet
    • I have distributed graph paper to the same lesson folder so you can do question 3 b) on your ipads if you'd like. If you do it on graph paper, please scan this in next to the worksheet.
  • If you have any remaining time (30min max), please spend this on worksheet 4 - stopping distance questions
    • Remember, acceleration (or deceleration) is found by calculating the gradient of a speed-time graph, and displacement (how far something has travelled) is found by finding the area under a speed-time graph.