Assignment Details

Finishing Orbits and Starting Fusion/Stars

Year 2023-24

10H-Physics - (tu/f)

Date Due

Nov. 17, 2023, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info
Hi All,

If you WERE NOT in lesson today;
  • Using Powerpoint, Open the SLIDES attached to the Content Library in, and look at slides 22, 23, 24 to complete your handouts from last lesson ;
    • 02 Astrophysics > 01 - Orbits...
    • Including the graph plotting Exercise, where I'd like you to plot a graph of the link between Orbital radius (X-Axis) and Orbital Speed (Y-Axis)
  • Using Powerpoint, Open the SLIDES attached to the Content Library in, and look at slides 1,2,3,4 to complete your handouts on
    • 02 Astrophysics > 02 - Fusion and Stars...
IF YOU WERE in lesson today;

I'd like you to do a bit of your own research ahead of the lesson on the Big Bang Theory (and how the universe started) in a few weeks;
MY BIG problem this page is the sentence that implies you are all made of start stuff (which you are) and that this happened when the universe started at the Big Bang (which is not correct - or at least it implies the start of the universe is like a star exploding - Which is not!).... So to better get you're heads around the EARLY universe and how it we think it ACTUALLY started;
  • Use this NASA page to learn a bit about the History of the Universe; Basics | Universe Ð NASA Universe Exploration
  • Make a Timeline of the history of the universe breaking it down into 7 or 8 key steps, including when that step happened, and what happened at that stage using a few words for each (there is a nice diagram on the page with about as much detail as I would expect - so you can just use that diagram, but the rest if the page is there is anything that grabs your interest that you'd like to read more about)