Assignment Details
Graph Assignment
Year 2022-23
Date Due
Oct. 6, 2022
Additional Info
On OneNote, Space, lesson 3 (Weight, Mass, Gravity);
Complete "3 - Graph drawing worksheet.docx"
by completing the graphs and scanning them in on ONeNote next to the worksheet, THEN USING THE GRAPH to answer the questions at the bottom of the sheet!
Remember your graph must include;
- EVEN scales
- LABELS on axes
- LINE (or curve) of best fit
- UNITS (on the axes)
- X - points plotted correctly
To help with the question about describing patterns on graphs...
When questions ask you to describe the pattern, you need to connect the two things (on the axes) that the graph is showing data for. The sentence framework that is usually used for these questions is along the lines of ....
" As [X] increases, [Y] increases/decreases"
(Where you replace X and Y with what data is shown on that axis. So in the FIRST graph you did as a practice, do describe the pattern in the graph, you would have said something like;
"As planets get further from the sun (as distance increases), their orbital speed decreases"
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