Assignment Details

Speed Calculations

Year 2022-23


Date Due

Nov. 22, 2022

Additional Info

Girls, you are amazing!  I thought you just needed telling!

We absolutely FLEW through that speed stuff today and you (mostly) kept up, kept focus, and asked and answered good questions that were on topic and allowed us to get through everything.

If you need my annotated slides, they are attached to a page in the CONTENT LIBRARY on OneNote in (03 - Forces and Motion  >  01 - Speed)

I have distributed two versions of a worksheet to your OneNote in the Speed lesson folder; An easy version and a hard version.  Give them a TRY....  They get you to practice using the equations.  Note;
  • Show your working out for each question - DO IT TO THE RIGHT OF THE ATTACHED SHEET (set your background to lined paper) and space your work out neatly
  • For each question, show the equation you use, then the calculation you do, then your answer, and any units.
  • Remember to convert any units (IF YOU NEED TO!!!) BEFORE your calculation - e.g,  if the questions asks for the answer in miles per hour, but it gives you a distance in miles, and a time taken in minutes, you may have convert from minutes to hours BEFORE you do your calculation.

Remember - if it looks like you struggle with some of the questions - we will go back over what we covered in class, but this homework gives me an idea of how much your brains soaked up!!!

Of course, it goes without saying you should try and do your best in that 20mins, but don't TRY and finish it after 20mins if time is up - if you can't finish the work in 20mins, that tells me a lot about how comfortable you are with the task, and if we need to spend longer on it next lesson!!!