Assignment Details

g by free fall part 2

Michaelmas 24

Physics L6C

Date Due

Jan. 13, 2025

Additional Info
Hi all
To complete the write up, please can you do the following:
1. Calculate uncertainty for t^2. 
this will require you to first calculate % uncertainty for t and then double it. This is needed for every height. You can do this by calculating the range of results for t at every height, and halving. This is a good approx. of the absolute uncertainty for t at every height. then you calculate % uncertainty, then double.
2. These % uncertainties can then be turned into absolute uncertainties, giving you the bounds for your error bars at each value of height.
3. add error bars to your graph.
4. check that your line of best fit goes through your error bars / identify potential anomalies. 
5. add a line of worst fit. 
6. Calculate gradients for lines fo best and worst fit. 
7. calculate % uncertainty in gradient. 
8. you now have % uncertainty for "g".

Please can you remember to add to your work, a note showing why the gradient = 2/a.

Further question.
The line of best fit "should" go through the origin. If it doesn't, there could be either systematic or random errors. Can you identify possible reasons for systematic errors?

Have a great weekend and please ask for help!

Mr Clarke