Assignment Details

g by free fall write up

Michaelmas 24

Physics L6C

Date Due

Jan. 9, 2025

Additional Info
well done on the practical today.

Please could you write up the practical work done today. this needs to be recorded in your books. 

remember little things like the date, units, sig figs etc.

what I am expecting:
1. tennis ball.
brief outline of process, results table, calculation of g.
brief answers to questions asked on instruction sheet.
calculation of % error in g vs 9.81.

2. trap door
brief outline of process, results table, graph of s vs t^2 and gradient.
calculation of % error in g vs 9.81.
error analysis - now for this you need to estimate the % uncertainty in your method. this will require assumptions and some subjective thought. ie, which values of t and s do you use to represent your experiment. you should comment on such decisions.

Please ask if you need any help.
Mr Clarke