Lesson Details

Cover Lesson - 14th March


9G/Computer Science


March 14, 2024, 3:20 p.m.

Additional Info
  1. Use the information on this page to log in to Machine Learning for Kids: ML For Kids Login (Web view)
  2. Design your own model for the project brief here: Project Outline (Web view)
  3. By the end of today, you should have:
    1. Decided what your model will do (e.g. recognise emotions, identify items in a pencil case etc.)
    2. Collected some training data and entered it onto ML for kids (you need at least 12 examples for each category to have a decent model)
  4. You might:
    1. Start to design the front end in the Scratch section of the website.
You don't need to hand anything in, as all of your work is viewable on Machine Learning for kids anyway.